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You found yourself in a hospital bed, you were just dozing off until you felt a kiss on your cheek. Which made you grimace in disgust as you quickly snatched your head away, from whatever that was.

"Hello dear. It seems your scars have already disappeared. Quite odd." An old short lady, which you assumed was the so called school nurse, (Recovery Girl.) said.

"Old woman what the hell was that?!" You yelled as you put a hand over your cheek, rubbing it furiously.

"It's my quirk, see? All your wounds are gone." She said as she pointed at your arm as you raised an eyebrow.

"Wha-?" you shut up immediately as you knew you were about to blow your cover. "Yeah I see it. No wonder all my wounds are gone." You bluntly said in your most "convincing" voice as possible.
You didn't want to blow your cover, did you?

And in Which for some reason managed to convince the old lady.

"Well your all healed up, you should head to your waiting room. Your match is gonna start soon." The Old short Lady said sweetly as You nodded and quickly rushed out the door, you didn't want to be around this, in your mind 'old hag' for any longer. You headed straight towards waiting room no.2

You sat down on the chair and just stared off into the distance, you wanted bubble gum. Honestly you were starting to get bored of the Sports Festival. It was kinda fun but you just wanted to get it over with. Bakugo was your next opponent and you wondered if he had already figured out your weakness. He probably did. You wouldn't be surprised if he had anyways. But one thing was for sure was that you were gonna snatch first place and leave with a lot of internships.

You were daydreaming about having all the attention as a hero, people interviewing you, taking pictures, wanting your autographs and such. Until someone kicked in through the door. Which completely ruined your day dreaming.

It was non other than Katsuki Bakugo.
You raised an eyebrow, looking pissed as always, well extra-pissed this time.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing in here?! This is my space to- crap this is waiting room number two?!" He yelled,

'Not this bitch again.' You thought as you purposely rolled your eyes at him, and decided to ignore him as you stared off into the opposite direction. Turning your head away from him. You didn't want him seeing your beautiful face anyway. He wasn't worthy of it. Atleast that's what your mindset was at the time.

But needless to say he got irritated. How could you ignore him?

"HEY! DON'T IGNORE ME WAISTBAND!" He yelled as he stormed in and threatened you with a small explosion on the desk.

"I can do whatever I want! Don't tell me what to do fuckface!" You snapped back as you crossed your arms.

"Your such a bitch." He mumbled under his breath.

You jaw slightly dropped, clearly offended. 'The audacity of this madman!!' You thought as you stood up and pointed a finger straight at him.

"Just who the hell do you think you're talking to?! Your so arrogant it pisses me off!" You yelled at him as he glared right back. Well you were arrogant too but no way you'd actually admit that.

"I don't care how you view me, and I don't care who you think you are. Just don't hold back! Got that?! When we have our match I'll prove to everyone that I can beat you and take first place! You managed to beat Icy hot, so if I beat you then that'll prove I'm the strongest!"

"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now