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You were practically fuming as you went slammed the door down and walked down the halls with a dark aura. Todoroki sensed it as he walked in the halls. He had seen you in the recommendation exam and based off your attitude he had an idea of what you were like.

You however just thought he was a quiet cocky bastard. You kept walking as Your Obi-art gave out where he was. You headed there stealthily. Like a villain preying out the hero. No, more like a cat and a mouse. You were the cat and he was the mouse.

"Not gonna lie it's kind of scary, I mean it looks like todoroki's in a horror game." Kaminari commented as the whole class hummed in agreement, shivering at the ice too.

You could practically smell candy cane cum dumpster from a mile away. "Todoroki you bastard! Did you seriously think you'd take me out in one move!?" You yelled as you saw him and his stupid dumb ugly costume. "Plus what were you thinking wearing that costume anyway?! It Looks horrendous!" You said as you charged at him with your Obi-Art as he proceeded to make a wave of ice. A lot. But you could take it no problem your Obi slashes could cut though abything. "My costume is normal." He Bluntly said.

"Your stupid Ice isn't gonna help you!" You yelled at him as you cut through the ice and he took a step back, his only choice was to make your belt freeze and for him to make a run for the missile. He charged at your belt, only freezing them for a mere second which gave him a chance to run past you. But you would know that as you snatched him with your Obi- Art and threw him cross the wall. He went flying foreals. "And here I thought you were stronger!" You taunted him as you got closer. Before you felt arms wrapped around around you. 'Shoji!! Fuck I forgot about him!' You mentally scolded yourself, "It don't matter if your bigger or smaller I'll beat your ass up shoji!" Shoji just apologized, "Sorry, but I have to do this to win." He bluntly said as you furrowed your eyebrows and almost slashed him in half if it wasn't for that tiny self control that you had. He felt a shiver go down his spine, it was like you intended to do something else. You wrapped your Obi art around him and yeeted him just like Todoroki, he was big and heavy but it was nothing compared to what your Obi art could handle. 'Todoroki where are you?! Bastard I wasn't done with you yet!" You yelled as you decided to finish off shoji first, it's not like Todoroki could take down the barrier anyway, Oijiro yes, your Obi art? No. You punched Shoji with your Obi art. Making sure it hurt him enough to take him down or leave a bruise. But of course not to cut him in half. You then went looking for Todoroki. Your Obi art going everywhere through the building as you finally found him with Oijiro. Oijiro was down and it was just homie standing in front of the large barrier that you made.

"Like the view of my beautiful Obi-art? candy cane cum dumpster!?" You said as you laughed.

He stared at you in confusion "what does that mean? Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked as you then stopped laughing and wrapped your Obi art around him, making sure it wouldn't absorb him. "Don't act dumb with me bastard!!" You yelled at him as the Buzz went off.

"Your time is up!! Since Shoji is down and Todoroki is captured, the only one standing is you, young Y/N! So Your team wins by default!" All might said through the mic as you scoffed and retreated your Obi- Art. "I knew I was gonna win anyway old man!" You said as he sweatpanned and shrugged it off.


Momo had judged each of you but you could care less for what she had to say anyway. In your eyes you were a star and an Icon. No way you'd waste your energy getting in a cat fight with "momohoe."

The rest of the fight had finished when you were at the same bench in front of the vending machine. Laying down as you put your hands behind your head. You were bored out of your mind as you looked up at the ceiling. After a bit you heard footsteps approaching and the vending machine being used. You glanced to the side to see none other than Bakugo katsuki. He probably felt your glance but didn't say anything. "Hey! Stop sulking you seriously look weird as hell! What a pathetic worthless pussy man." You said to him as you scoffed. He just raised an eyebrow at you before glaring at you, grabbing his water bottle and leaving. "What a weirdo.." you mumbled as you then realized he wasn't in his costume anymore. Crap! had the fighting already finished? You needed to get changed and quickly head home.

"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now