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"The fuck?" You blurted out as you observed your surroundings. It was total chaos. Endeavor quickly went into action. He told you both to follow him quickly.

Todoroki had looked at his phone and quickly ran off, exchanging a few words with Endeavor.

"SHOTO! Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Endeavor yelled as he looked in Todorokis direction. Todoroki told him some address you didn't catch as you were too busy in your own head.

You didn't know what to do. Should you go into action? You really wanted to, but you'd be in deep for consequences if you left and fought some Nomu. You then turned your head to Todoroki.

'Where the fuck did he go?' You thought as you looked around. He was running somewhere.

"Hey Asshole don't leave me with your useless father!" You yelled as you ran after him.

You were pretty close to him until a Nomu appeared right in front of you. "Outta my way!" You yelled as you charged at him with your Obi-Art sashes.

"You're so ugly it's disgusting!" You said as you grimaced in disgust.

You yeeted him into the wall and proceeded to wrap your Obi-Art around him. You didn't know what to do. Try to kill him or absorb him into your Obi-Art? You shrugged to yourself and just beat the living shit out of it. But like you expected it regenerated. A lot more slowly than the Nomu from the USJ attack. It was a lot weaker too.

You proceeded to quickly dismember the Nomu by the limbs and then proceeded to run off. "Just what the hell was Candy Cane thinking?!" You said as you scoffed and ran, passing alleyways and such. Until you caught a glimpse of fire, and ice. 'There you are.' You thought as you smirked and ran towards that direction.

"Here I fucking come."

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You walked into the Alleyway as you then saw Midoriya, lida and what you assumed a pro-hero on the floor. They weren't moving of any sort which made you confused. You saw Todoroki fighting someone. Who? You observed closely and assumed it was that Hero Killer that was going around killing hero's who went by the name 'Stain'.

You rubbed your chin as you thought. 'Hey.. I could get credit for this..' Just as you were caught up in your thoughts That hero killer was aiming blades as Todoroki, as Todoroki used his fire and ice to keep his distance.

'Fuck it I wanna join in to!' You thought as you dived right into the fight.

Stains tongue was just an inch away from Todorokis cheek before you snatched him away with your Obi-Art sashes.

"Y/N!" The three boys yelled in unison.

"Who the hell do you think you are tryna leave me with your useless pathetic dad!?" You yelled in his ear, he could've sworn he felt his ears ringing.

"FUCK YOU TOO BITCH." BNHA x KNY CROSSOVER x READERWhere stories live. Discover now