chapter nine

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Tw: Death, grief

*a few weeks later*

Nick sat in the waiting room of the veterinary clinic, his hands shaking as he clutched onto Nellie's leash.

The once vibrant and energetic dog now lay weakly on the floor beside him, her breaths shallow and laboured.

The vet had just delivered the devastating news that Nellie's time was coming to an end due to old age, and Nick's heart felt like it was being ripped apart.

"I can't believe this is happening," Nick whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "She's been with me through everything."

Charlie sat beside him, offering silent support as he wrapped an arm around Nick's shoulders.

"I know, baby. Nellie's been a part of your life for so long. We'll get through this together."

Nick nodded, his eyes brimming with tears. "I just wish there was something more we could do for her."

"We've done everything we can," Charlie said softly. "The vet said they'll make her as comfortable as possible."

After what felt like an eternity, the vet returned and gently ushered them into a quiet room where Nellie could peacefully pass away surrounded by her loved ones.

Nick sat on the floor beside her, stroking her fur and whispering words of love and comfort as tears continued to fall unchecked.

"You've been the best dog, Nellie," Nick choked out between sobs. "I love you so much."

Charlie knelt beside him, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"We'll always love you, Nellie. You've brought so much joy into our lives."

As Nellie took her final breaths, Nick felt a part of himself shatter. The pain was unbearable, and he couldn't imagine life without his beloved companion by his side.

Charlie held him close, offering silent support as they said their final goodbyes to Nellie.


In the days that followed, Nick found himself consumed by grief. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and the weight of Nellie's absence felt suffocating.

His mental health took a nosedive as he struggled to cope with the overwhelming sense of loss.

"I miss her so much," Nick said tearfully, as he and Charlie sat together on the couch one evening. "I keep expecting her to come bounding into the room."

"I know, baby," Charlie said softly, wrapping his arms around Nick. "I miss her too. But we'll get through this together."

Slowly but surely, with Charlie's unwavering support, Nick began to find moments of peace amidst the pain.

They would spend hours reminiscing about their favourite memories with Nellie, laughing through tears as they shared stories of her antics.

"I'll never forget the time she stole your sandwich right off the table," Nick said with a watery smile. "She was always so sneaky."

"Yeah, she definitely had a mischievous side," Charlie agreed, his own smile tinged with sadness. "But that's what made her so lovable."

Together, Nick and Charlie navigated the journey of grief, leaning on each other for strength and finding comfort in the bonds of love that held them together.

As time passed, Nick's heart began to heal, knowing that Nellie's love would live on in his heart forever.

Sorry, it's kinda short. I just wanted to get a chapter out for this story. I'm also totally not crying rn

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