authors note

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This isn't what you think it is.

I am continuing this story.

After I watched episode 7, which was so good. I was so excited and nervous for the last episode of season one that I uh...

I sprained my fingers.

I'm clumsy and I ran my hand right into my door trying to get out of my room.

Don't ask me how I know that's it's sprained, I've sprained my wrist and ankle before, I know what the pain is like and the swelling and bruising.

I won't update for a few days because it hurts to type on my phone.

I'm voice typing this by the way.

I only will be updating "let the light in" because it's already written and corrected.

I'm very sorry but give me a few days to heal and then I'll be back updating.

Thanks for understanding.


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