Part 10 |Dinner Talks|

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I felt a painful sting in my wrist that shot through my whole body, I shrieked before feeling a aching pressure on the wound. With that I passed out from the pain. 'Am I dead.'

    I woke up in a haze, but it was immediately clear I was in a different room than the one I passed out in. But I wasn't back in the kitchen either.

The more I woke up, the more of my surroundings I could take in. Quickly I realized I was in some kind of dinning room. I was sitting at the head of the table, or more rather I was tied to a chair at the head of the table. Around the table, other people were seated. Directly to my left was an unconscious Billy. For all I knew he could just be dead. He wasn't moving and I couldn't tell if he was breathing or if I was just shaking. Next to him was Sean. To my right was a most definitely dead Heather, next to her was Barry, he was also very much dead. I couldn't help but notice that Jenny was the only one missing - not including the random boy I didn't know. A string of Hope crossed my mind, maybe she got away... maybe she'll get help.

"Good morning sleepy head," Vilmer smirked, taking a seat at the end of the table, "that sure was a messy stunt you pulled back there." He gritted his teeth thinking about it. "'Lotta blood," he clicked his tongue.

I tried to say something, but there was duck tape over my mouth, so all that came out was a whiney mumble.

"What was that?" Vilmer taunted, putting a l hand up to his ear, dramatically leaning in. A mufflers sob left my throat when he abruptly stood up, eliciting a low chuckle. As he slowly move led toward me, my heart started to thrum painfully in my chest. I whipped around, pulling at the different chains and restraints that held me down. I knew it was futile, and it started to hurt, but I kept going. My heart practically lept out of me when Thomas seemed to appear out of nowhere, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. He was so quite, I hadn't even noticed he was in the room, I knew I felt eyes on me but I just assumed the were Vilmers.

"Wake up Billy boy," he beamed in an almost cheerful tone. He slapped Billy in the face, causing me to wince. When Billy didn't wake up, he took a room temperature glass of water and splashed it in his face before smashing the cup over his head. Finally with the little shards of glass piercing his skin, he stored awake without a peep.


    "Do you know what he god damn did to us?" Vilmer yelled in my ear, "what he did to you?" I shook my head fearfully. Vilmer laughed again, but this one was different, this one was truly angry, vengeful. "Oh your gonna love this Y/N."

    "Here he goes," Tex rolled his eyes, but I could see part of him wanted to hear this, wanted to see what would happen after Vilmer said whatever it was he wanted to say.

    "Billy here-"

    "Don't listen to a word he says Y/N!" Billy had tapped into some kind of reserve of strength.

     Vilmer punched him in the jaw and placed a solid hand over his mouth. "As I was tryna' say before I was so rudely interrupted, he was the fucker that made all this happen. He ruined everything Y/N! He made your life miserable, forced us away from you!" His voice was becoming more and more aggressive with every word. "You're fucked up because of him." I shook my head in disbelief.

It started to all come back to me as he explained, it was like I could see the events playing out in my head, as they did in my dreams, just more clear now...

    We were in 6th grade, half way through the year the principle announced the 6th grade dance. This wasn't anything new or special for the school, but it was new and special for us. For me and Tommy.

Following the announcement, I went to the kindest teacher I knew, the only one who seemed to actually care about Tommy. "Miss Mayfair?" I tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around, her smile as bright as ever, "what is it dear?"

"I have a question about the dance!" I knew she was one of the coordinators since she liked to talk about planning it the year prior. She nodded for me to go ahead, "would it maybe be able to be a mask dance... like we all wear masks with our dresses and stuff?"

She didn't even take a moment to pause before asking, "is this for Thomas?" I nodded shyly, "what an absolutely wonderful idea Y/N! I'll get right on planning out the details!"

I giggled cheerfully and skipped out of class for recess. Tommy and Vilmer were waiting for me by the fence. That's usually where we hung out since it was the least student populated area, and the one place we could be around Vilmer since he was in the other yard - usually skipping his classes to be around us.

The excitement must have been so clear in me since Tommy looked like he was getting excited too. He tended to mirror my emotions when they were super obvious. "Guess what?!" He looked excitedly at me with anticipation, "this years dance is gonna be one of those masked dance things they used to do a long time ago!" Tommy's eyes lit up, he was really nervous about going to the dance which is how I came up with the idea in the first place. I really wanted him to go, so this was the best thing I could come up with.

He hugged me so tight I thought my ribs would crack, I laughed and laughed, I loved seeing him this way. Seeing him this happy.

Vilmer sighed in annoyance, "great, now I got more shit to do," I looked at him confused, "those of us that don't do good in class are forced to help with the little kid dance this year." He was frowning, but behind his eyes I knew he was happy for his brother. Despite the facade he would always put on, he loved his brother, and loved seeing him happy just as much as I did.

Word count: 1000+

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