Part 21 |36 Questions|

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They got there quickly. But I had passed out before they arrived. Next think I knew I was in a hospital bed. My father and two cops standing by the doorway.

"Dad?" My voice was horse even though I was talking quietly.

"Oh my God! Y/N!" He raced over to me, holding me in a tight embrace. I hissed, he was squeezing me tight and putting pressure on all my pained areas. He let go the split second he realized, "sorry sweetie... I'm just so glad you're alright," he held my shoulders gently, I smile a fear mixed with joy sat on his lips. While heavy tears flowed from his eyes.

    The officers gave us this little moment before walking over. Their heavy boots loud against the hospital floor. One patted my dad on the shoulder, while the other said, "sir, we have to ask your daughter some questions," He paused for a moment, "if you wouldn't mind stepping outside for a few minutes." The man's voice didn't have the usual Texas drawl of people in this area. He must've been from out of town.

    My dad walked out, "I'll be just out here if you need me," he said before closing the door behind him. I jumped a bit as the door clicked closed, it reminded me of the basement. But this time I was much safer, so I calmed down quite quick.

    The male cop pulled a chair over, promptly sitting down, while the female coo stayed standing at the end of the hospital bed. I sat upright, fixing the oddly fitting gown that had been put over top of my dirty clothes.

    "My name is Cassandra. This is Jim. What your name honey," the lady asked.

    "Y/N L/N," I answered meekly. Cops always made me nervous... more so since I've currently killed two people with my own two hands.

    "What happened over the last couple weeks?" The cop called Jim asked.

    Cassandra must have read my mind. Realizing I was unsure of exactly how to answer, she asked her own question, "did you run away? We're you abducted?"

    I swallowed hard, "I was abducted."

    "Do you know where you've been? Where the abductees we're keeping you?"

    "16493 Cameron Road." I recited the address I had held in the back of my head for years.

"Was there anyone at the house when you left?"

I nodded, "Tex, Vilmer, and Thomas Hewitt."

"Who are those men to you? Are they your abductors?"

I nodded again, Jim picked up his walkie, radioing in to near by units. He gave them the address and told them that the "three abductors may be in the house, possibly armed, proceed with caution."

"Wait... Vilmer is dead... I think," both the cops seemed to study my sad expression.

"Did you know these boys?" Jim asked somewhat harshly.

"They used to be my closest friends, before they left," I couldn't look at either of the cops anymore.

"Assailants are dangerous, fire if they are non-compliant." Jim whispered, but I heard him.

"No!" They looked at me with shock, "please don't hurt Tommy... he didn't do anything wrong, he just followed what his brothers told him to do! He didn't mean to do any of this... please... you have to understand."

The two exchanged glances, "what does Thomas look like?" Cassandra questioned.

"He's the tallest and biggest of the three. He is a white 19 year old and has a black mullet, and he doesn't really speak." I was becoming hysterical, afraid of what they might do to him.

She nodded at Jim. "Look out for a Caucasian male, black hair, large build," he paused for a moment, "don't use leathal force." He finished and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. If they have trouble bringing him in or calming him down, tell them to say that I'll be there, he's more comfortable with me around."


    The questions rained down for over half an hour before the cops must've had enough info.

They wished me well and reiterated that no harm would come to Thomas as long as he complied. If they used me as a kind of bargaining chip, I had no doubt he would freely go with them.

I was absolutely exhausted. But I couldn't sleep. I was too worried about what might happen to Tommy.

Jim had seemingly fully left the hospital, while Cassandra sat just outside my room to keep me safe. While my dad sat in the chair and read some of (your fav book). Whenever you felt yourself dozing off, you would physically pinch yourself to stay awake.

After an hour of trying to stay up, I couldn't do it any longer and completely crashed.

Word count: 700+

A/N- I know this is a shorter chapter, but it felt right ending it here.
Also the title of this chapter is based on a movie/musical :D

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