Part 22 |Epilogue|

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Whenever you felt yourself dozing off, you would physically pinch yourself to stay awake. After an hour of trying to stay up, I couldn't do it any longer and completely crashed.

A couple weeks later, when I was feeling much better. I was told that Thomas had been placed in a mental institution. Cassandra, the cop from the hospital told me that when the other officers mentioned my name to him, he had immediately calmed down like I said he would. She also told me he's been eagerly waiting for me to visit. I was probably just as eager.

    A month had gone by since I escaped. I was finally allowed to visit Tommy as his "No visitors, probation period" was over.

    My dad dropped me off at the entrance to the institution. "I'll be parked just over there when you need me," he pointed to an empty spot in the parking lot. "If anything happens-"

    "Everything will be fine dad. He can't... he won't hurt me." I closed the car door. My dad watched as I walked into the building. Only driving away when the door had fully closed behind me. I signed myself in at the front desk, and was given a visitors pass without any further questions. They must have really been expecting me.

    I nurse lead me down the long corridors to a mostly empty room. There was a shelf with a few books, and another with paper and crayons. "Have a seat," the nurse gestured over to a table, "Mr.Hewitt will be with you shortly."

    "Thank you," I smiled, then sat down. The nurse seemed almost uneasy before spinning on her heels and walking back out. Leaving me completely alone in the dull coloured room.

    I wasn't alone for long when the door opposite to where I had entered, swung slowly open with a creak. I stayed seated, not knowing what to expect or how this would work. 'Will he be chained up' I thought. I felt bad for him if he was, but I also thought it would be kind of ironic. Then I heard the recognizable clink of metal chains, followed by Thomas strolling in with a guard right behind him. His hands weren't bound, but his feet were strung together by chains. Probably so he couldn't run. Ironic.

    A huge grin plastered across his unmasked face. It was weird seeing him without it, but it didn't deter me from him. By his overall look, posture, and expression, I could see he was doing much better without the influence of his brothers. I wasn't told what happened to Tex, but whatever it was, it couldn't have been good.

    The chair screeched across the ground as I stood up. "Hi Tommy." I said, returning his grin with a sympathetic smile. I walked over to him, bringing him into a big hug. The guard looked ready to struck at a moment notice, but like I said to my father, Thomas wouldn't hurt me.


    I visited him like this ever second Sunday during the designated visitor hours. Each time he seemed better than the last. He was happier, healthier, and somehow kinder than ever. I loved seeing him this way.

    He was real washed after 3 years, he was supposed to stay for 4, but the doctors said he was making such a good effort at fixing himself, and whatever they were doing for him was working very well. So they let him out, essentially on good behaviour!

     I was 21 now, he was 22. Due to him being the only Hewitt left, he received a nice inheritance that his mother must've put aside for all the boys. Nobody had known she died, so nobody knew to give the boys their inheritance. Granted it wasn't a crazy amount of money, but it was substantial nonetheless. I on the other hand had secured a really good paying job! And became an author of a best selling book! So I was pretty well off, I even had my own little place.

    For Thomas to be released, someone had to take him in. The hospital was worried since he had no family, but I was willing to sign the forms for me to legally be his "watcher" in a sense. I was basically saying that I would make sure to keep an eye on him and that he would live with me until further notice.

    It took him a while to get settled into the new house, the new routine. But it was amazing when he did. He never liked when I would have to leave for work, but he knew I had to.

    He ended up getting back into old hobbies, but in a healthier way. He took up taxidermy and started to make his own money off of the creatures he would fix up. He was incredible at it too!

    Somehow, after everything that happened between us, we had found our own strange happily ever after... and had even opened up a new page in our book together. Us meeting and reuniting was a strange story, that's for sure. And despite the horrors apI had to go through at the hands of his brothers, I couldn't hold that against him. I'm not saying he never did anything wrong, but not all the blame can fall on him. He needed someone other than his brothers in his life to be the best person he could be. So I stepped back into his life, and it changed both of us for the better.

Word count: 900+

A/N- So! That's the end I guess- I'm not really sure what else I could've really done with this story, plus for my sanity I needed it to end on a happy note!
Thank you all for reading! I'm surprised anyone read this at all!? I'm currently working on a fanfic for "The Lost Boys" so if you're interested, keep an eye out for that!! And thank you all again, this has been super fun!

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