Part 17 |Dreams of Blankets and Movies|

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Despite my efforts I still heard Jenny's ear piercing scream as Tommy cut into her. But the screams were over quickly. At least he kept his promise.

I opened my eyes for a moment. All I saw was Tommy's frame hunched over a mass of fresh blood. Jenny was dead.

    Tommy was breathing heavily, by his demeanour he seemed angry. Not angry at me for not doing as he told me the first time, but angry at Jenny? "Thomas...?" I spoke shakily. His hands tightened around the edges of the wood table, his knuckles turning white under the blood.

    He took one big deep breath before turning around. He looked down at me. I knew it was impossible but it felt as if he had grown bigger, taller, scarier since I first saw him earlier today. My breath hitched as I stifled a sob, his hands were covered in Jenny's fresh blood. He looked down at his hands, I could see some remorse in his eyes. He frantically wiped them on his apron, "I'm..." he started, followed by a long beat of silence. He cleared his throat, "...sorry." His eyes looked glossy as he studied his own hands.

~~~~ time skip ~~~~

Jenny's body was hacked up and stored in a freezer at the back of the room. Tommy was still wiping up the blood. The whole time he was cutting up my friend, I couldn't peel my eyes away. They were sore and dry, as I was barely blinked due to the utter terror I felt.

Finally Thomas tossed the blood filled rag aside, he'd done his best to clean up. It wasn't a great job, but it was something.

He washed his hands in the sink on the opposite side of the room to me, before making his way back over.

I stiffened when he knelt down next to me. He reached out a hand in an attempt to caress my face, but the second his fingertips made contact with my skin, I jerked my head away. It was once a comforting feeling, but now it was sickening. I couldn't handle the thoughts coursing through my head. My quick movement must have startled him, he was very still as well. When he saw I wasn't trying to do anything, he moved his hand back toward my face. I pulled myself away again, even blocking my face with my hands. This time he got the message.

He huffed a few harsh breaths and grunted. He wasn't too happy. He was mumbling nonsense to himself when he stood up and paced around the basement. He glanced at the staircase, pause for a moment, then practically ran up them.

That's when it started to settle in. There's no way he would stay down here with me 24/7, there will be times when I'm down here for God knows how long. Alone, scared, cold, and in pain.

'At least theres some light down here...' I stupidly jinxed myself. Right after the thought popped into my mind, the few lights turned off. Then the basement door slammed shut, followed by the metal snap of a lock.

My eyes darted around the room. There wasn't much to look at before, but now I couldn't see anything at all. This made me realize that there were absolutely no windows or other exits, proving that the only way out was that one, definitely locked, door.

I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped myself in the blanket. I hated the dark, and this was most definitely no exception. This was scarier than any darkness I was scared of before. I turned my body to face the wall that was behind me. Slow tears slipped down my nose as I tried to fall asleep. 'At least if I'm asleep, it won't be so dark.' I thought.

I wasn't super comfortable, but the blanket and pillows were much better than just a solid concrete floor, so after humming my favourite song for what felt like hours, I fell asleep...


It was Friday, and the school bell had just rang. So, I packed up my belongings and waited for Tommy at the back of the school.

Vilmer wasn't here today, but he skipped a lot, so I was the least bit surprised.

Tommy walked out the doors looking as sad as usual. But when he saw me waiting, his eyes lit up. This is what always happened at the end of the day. Last class was the only class we didn't have together since Tommy's last class was in the resource room.

We walked around to the front of the school, we went there this way so we didn't have to walk through as many people. When we got to the front I saw Tommy's oldest brother Tex in his truck, waiting for us in the parking lot.

We jogged over and hopped in the bag seats, slinging our bags off our shoulder and onto the floor. "Hey (Nickname)! Long time no see!" Tex greeted me cheerily. Truth is, it hadn't been that long since I'd seen him, but he was the kind to make make a dad joke like that. "We headed home today?" He asked, Tommy nodded excitedly. My dad never let me hang out at Tommy's place until today, so we were both very excited.

At Tommy's house we got to use the TV since his mom wasn't home knitting whole whole watching a soap opera. We watched (your fav movie) and Tex made us some popcorn!

After the popcorn was finished, Tommy ran upstairs. I didn't know where he was going, I just assumed it was a bathroom break until he came barreling back down the stairs with a blanket. It was blue and black with a flannel patter. He hopped back on the sofa and threw the blanket overtop of us. We huddled together and warmed up quickly under the soft cotton of the blanket. It was winter and wether was below 50 Fahrenheit (10 Celsius), meaning it was kinda cold. So warming up under the blanket felt very nice.

We watched movies and played video games until 5:30pm when my dad showed up.

There was a knock at the door which Tex answered. He greeted my dad just as kindly as he would me.

I hadn't brought a coat, so Tommy let me take the blanket to keep warm. I promised him I would give it back next time I saw him. And with that I was headed back home, still wrapped in the warm cotton blanket.

Word count: 1000+

A/N- if y'all have any idea for this story, like where it should go, then go ham cuz I need ideas lol.

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