Part 4 |Eyes in the Woods|

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"Y/N," Billy called out before your little group walked off. You looked over at him, "be careful, okay." You nodded, and the group was off into the darkness to find help for this stranger.

    As you walked next to Jenny, Heather and Barry in tow, there was a crack from the forest behind you. "What was that?" Heather turned fearfully, the whole walk so far she had been talking about a feeling of being watched. You couldn't help but to think she may be right.

    Unfortunately her quick movement caused Barry to drop the flashlight, causing the light to flicker out an die, "great," Barry sighed in annoyance, "now we can't see jack."

    "I'm sorry, but someone is following me, I can feel their eyes on my back," Heather explained.

    "Bullshit!" The asshole was quick to shut her down.

    "No! That's what they want! For us to go wandering around in the dark."

    "I hate to say it... but I think she's right, there's something out here, something that making me feel real uneasy," you scrunched your nose scanning the dark forest as best as you could.

    "See Barry! I told you! We need to stay here and start a fire," Heather said.

    "Wait, no I didn't say that," you shock your head and looked at Jenny.

    "Yea, we need to call an ambulance," Jenny said, but you could hear the slight edge to her voice.

    "Well, we can't do anything till' we can see, can we?" Heather asked rhetorically while Barry smacked the light with his palm. Luckily it turned back on and stayed on with mostly no issues the rest of the walk.

~~~~ small time skip ~~~~

    You walked up to the door of the small white building in front of you. It looked to be some kind of station, maybe for forest patrols or something of the sort. The lights were on and you could see someone walking around inside. Heather opened the door and walked in, "call the police. There's been a horrible accident, and a man's dying!" She hastily explained to the woman sitting at the desk.

    Her eyes lit up at the sight of you four as all of you except for Jenny sat down to rest your tired feet. "Ohh, prom night," she spoke with a cheery tone, "did you go to prom like that?" She asked jokingly, looking at you.

    You have your head a slight shake, "no I changed," you paused, "but that's not why we're here-"

    Heather cut you off with a deep sigh, "somebody bring me a glass of water please. I think I'm gonna pass out."

    As the lady punched in some numbers on the phone, Jenny finally sat down. She'd been walking on the could hard ground with her bare feet. "God damn answering machine," she spoke plainly, "don't you worry, he'll pick up." She paused for a moment, "Vilmer, if you're there, babe, pick up the phone," now she was sounding more annoyed with whoever was on the other line.

    You weren't really listening to the name she said, you were very tired and out of it. For some reason you thought you recognized the name, but you also weren't sure you heard her right, so you just passed it off as some weird deja vu moment.

    With the phone still pressed to her ear, she leaned over to Jenny, "phony as 3 dollar bills. Changed my life though," she said with a genuine smile, giving Jenny a little nudge. "God damn it, button it up, babe!"

    Heather asked Barry to get her a glass of water, but like the regular jerk he is, he just told her to piss off.

    "You know what, the minuet I showed up with these," the lady looked down at her breasts, "every peanut farmer in the county thought he was Gods gift to women. What the hell, doubled my commissions in the first six months," she giggled while she spoke. You felt strange listening to her talk about all this stuff as if there wasn't a guy in the forest who could die any minute. "God damn, it's about time, babe, listen. Some kids got in a wreck up the road, one of 'ems hurts," her eyes seemed to light up at that last part, making you uneasier than you were in the dark forest. "Uh, huh," she paused, "what, wait, wait a second. Which way?" She asked Jenny.

    "Back that way," Jenny nodded in the direction you'd come from.

    "How far?"

    Jenny looked at you, unsure, "about a mile,mile and a half maybe," you answered, Heather shrugged.

    "Bout a mile or so back of 709 from me," she said into the phone, her accent rolling off of her tongue. "Uh, huh," she paused again, "alright," she oddly elongated the word, "bye." She placed the phone back on the receiver and immediately went back to idle conversation. "Why do blondes stick their head outta car windows?"

    "Why?" Heather indulged the joke.

    "To get a refill."

    "I don't get it."

    You snickered, you actually found that quite funny considering Heather was a blonde, "airheads Heather... airheads," you were still snickering as you spoke.

    "Oh," then she laughed as well. The lady looked at you and playfully rolled her eyes.

    "We should get back then, and see if Sean and Billy are ok," Jenny said, and Barry couldn't be more ready to leave.

    "Yea," Barry agreed, then a rock came flying through the window. "What was that?!"

    The lady sighed and stood up, "don't worry about it, it's just some farmer wife," she moved over to the window, "like I'm even interested! See em' and weep," with that last line she flashed her boobs out the windows. The men in the car driving by honked and cheered, "or some high school boy. They're always doing something to get me to flash 'em." She was clearly eyeing up Barry as she spoke.  Your jaw dropped slightly. 'That's gross' you thought.

    The four of you and the lady walked out of the building, "sorry I can't give y'all a ride. That Wrecker will be long before you know it," the lady apologized.

    "Thanks for calling for us," Jenny said.

    "Yeah, thanks!" Heather said after.

    "Oh hey, don't you worry about that old boy that driver the Wrecker. He talks tough, but you just tell him how the cows eat the cabbage and you won't have any trouble," she smiled. You had no idea what she was talking about.

    "Alright, thanks again," you nodded and waved as you all began to walk off.

    "Hey, what about that service station across the road?" Barry stopped again, "do you think somebody there could maybe give us a ride?"

    "That old man?" The lady hugged a laugh, "oh, he is liable to shoot first and ask questions later." She looked over to the station, "Hey! We see you, you old fart!"

    You giggled, so did Jenny, "thanks, bye." Finally you walked off, and hopefully there wouldn't be anything stopping you guys now.

Word count: 1100+

A/N- dude when Sean's being chased and is like "please mister, you're scaring me," and Vilmer's immediately like "no shit" that is such hilarious writing and line delivery. And the whole part where he's chasing him is also just great lol.

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