Part 6 |It's Your Goddamn Life|

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Not wanting Jenny to have to sit next to some possible creep while she's in her somewhat revealing prom dress. She closed the door behind her, and you were off with this strange, creepy man.

    The man watched the two of you as he drove. You didn't look at him but you knew he was looking at you because you could see him out of the corner of your eye.

    He cleared his throat, "yeah, you gotta watch it, gettin into cars with strangers these days."

    Jenny nodded, unnerved by the man's words, "yeah," you agreed with a nervous laugh.

    He took another shallow sip of his drink, "I heard about an old man once who picked up a little girl on the side of the road... chopped both her arms off, stuffed her in a culvert. Left her for dead." You shook, listening to the horrific sorry, "god, I fucking hate that." He looked at you, and you smiled weakly. "I mean, that sorry son of a bitch didn't have shit for an imagination." Your heart sunk as you felt a pit growing your stomach. "How fuckin' smile can you get?" There was a lump in your throat.

    "Stop! You're scaring me." Jenny spoke when you couldn't.

    "Scaring you?" He looked over at her, "you're not scared," he smiled eerily, "you don't know shit about being scared little girls, not yet," you practically jumped at that last part, 'what did he mean by not yet... what was he going to do to us?' Your chest was tight and Jenny grabbed onto your hand. You were both panicking in your own ways. "You want scared?" He was picking up speed, "you want scared?" He repeated, "have a look behind you. Have a look!" Jenny turned for a split second before turning back. He plucked her glasses from her face, "how 'bout that? Look again god damn it!" He was starting to yell, you were frozen in fear, unable to bring yourself to look at whatever horrors lay in his truck bed, "go ahead, look again! You too!" He shoved your head.

    "I think I want you to stop and let us out!" Jenny cried, but he just laughed.

    "You think? Or do you know?" He paused for a moment, "huh? Go ahead and have a lookGet a better look," he was practically yelling in your ear now. You didn't like loud sounds, they scared you, so him yelling like this was making everything worse.

    "No," Jenny responded.

    "You don't wanna look?"

    "No, neither of do!"

    "Stop yelling... please," you muttered, tears pricking your eyes.

    "What's your god damn problem."

    "Okay!" You said and he laughed again, such a horrible, evil laugh, "if you stop the truck and stop yelling, I'll look." Instantly the truck skid to a holt.

    "You want to stop," he said calmly. He grabbed your head trying to force you to look.

    "Stop it!" You scream.

    "Don't touch her!" Jenny tried to pry his hands from you.

    "Come on, have a look at that," he wound his fingers in your hair, turning you around as you cried out in pain, "yea look at that." He repeated a few times, "what is that?"

    "Stop!" You cried, but he just kept repeating 'what is that?' As he held your held in place. Pure horror crossed your features at the sight of Sean, Billy, and the other boy hanging by their legs from the trucks pulley system, "oh my God," you gasped while he just cackled into your ear.

    "What?" Jenny turned around as well. She saw it too. You had to act fast if you didn't want to end up like them.

     You threw your elbow back into the man's ribs, "Jenny go!" You yelled pushing her toward the door. She was able to hop out, but just before you could too, the man looped his arm around your neck and in an instant you felt the cold press of a blade there too.

    "You're not goin' anywhere," he rasped lowly into your ears. You tried to thrash against him until a stinging pain came from your neck, the knife hand made a small gash in your neck, but it hurt enough to make you stop moving.

    "Go!" You croaked, Jenny shook her head 'no,' "now!" You pleaded. And she ran.

   "Fuck!" The man yelled. He stabbed the knife into his dashboard and slammed the door closed.

(From here on out I'm switching to first person pov, for funnsies)

"You stupid fucking bitch!" He yelled as he roughly let go of my neck, pick up and taking a sip of his drink. Then he started to laugh again, a deep rumble from his chest, it sent a chill down my spine ever single time.

"What's gonna happen to me?" I mumbled, not looking at the man, sitting as far away from him as I could.

"You think I give a goddamn what happens to you?" He said with an odd melancholy.

"Are you gonna let me go?" I asked with no hope in my voice at all, I knew my efforts were probably futile, but I wasn't just going to give up.

"You figure it out," the smile on his face as unpleasant as usual, "it's your goddamn life."

My hair was a mess, clinging to my face in places on my cheek were tears had been slowly falling. "I don't understand..." I looked up at him shaking. He started driving, causing my head to jerk back at the speed he accelerated. I groaned, as my head slammed into the headrest.

"Well, welcome to the real world," he breathed, and with another cackle he said, "now we gotta go get your friend."

Word count: 900+

A/N- this one's shorter cuz this felt like a good place to end it :D and I know it's taking a long time to actually get to Tommy, but I really like writing this build up :P

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