Part 18 |Flashlight|

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I promised him I would give it back next time I saw him. And with that I was headed back home, still wrapped in the warm cotton blanket.

    I sprung up from my slumber to the sound of a loud creak, up the staircase, just out of view. I knew someone had to be coming down due to the dim yellow glow coming from the hidden doorway at the top.

My heart thundered in my chest, I didn't know what to do. 'Should I pretend to be asleep?' I thought, 'or maybe ask for a flashlight... no that'll make me seem stupid and weak... maybe I will ask.' My thoughts were basically fighting each other.

I guess I had kicked the blanket off, so I re-wrapped myself up in it. It took me a second but I finally realized it was the blanket in my dream, that's why it was so familiar when I first saw it. It was Tommy's blanket that I borrowed all those years ago.

I shut my eyes tight just as I saw legs coming down the steps. I carefully peaked through my eyelashes, I knew it was too dark for him to tell I was looking. It was Tommy. He quietly made his way over, then he lied down on the concrete floor, about arms length away from me. I appreciated that he kept his distance and was respecting my boundaries... to some degree... if he really wanted to respect me he'd let me go.

He didn't touch me, and barely moved. He just watched me with his head resting in his elbow. I couldn't make out much detail about his facial expression because I couldn't open my eyes fully, but it seemed like he just wanted to be around me. It was kind of sweet, but also scary because of the entire situation.

After what felt like hours, he slowly got back up and walked back over to the stairs. Right before he went up, I decided to speak. "Tommy?" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He froze at the bottom of the steps and looked at me, he'd cocked to the side, "can I... can I have some kind of little light?" I stuttered, feeling stupid. He stayed there for a few second, just looking at me. Probably thinking about whether or not he should get me one. "Please... you know I hate the dark..." it was true, he was very much aware of this...


I was walking down the hallway to my class. I had just gone to the bathroom, and almost made it back to my class before a group of older kids shoved me into the wall. One kid opened the custodial closet door, the other two ushered me in, much to my displeasure. I cried out for anyone before they filled pushed me in. I tried over my feet and they told me if I screamed the boogeyman would take me. Being young, this thought was pretty horrifying. "No, please! Just let me out!" I yelled. The second I stood up, they slammed the door and locked it. I rattled the door handle a bunch but it was no use.

I was about to scream, but I remembered the stupid threat. I already didn't like the dark, but this made it so much worse. I backed up until I hit the wall. I sat down against it, shut my eyes and cried quietly, holding my knees to my chest.

It had been about and hour. My sleeves were drenched in my tears. Then the handle of the door rattled. I held my breath, my original thought was the boogeyman had found me, and he was gonna take me away. The handle rate led again, "hello...?" I sobbed quietly. The rattling stopped and I heard footsteps running away. I was confused but the confusion was immediately replaced by more fear than I was already feeling.

A couple minutes later I heard multiple peoples footsteps approaching quickly. The handle rattled, but as usual, nothing. Then there was a loud bang against the door. I had no idea what was happening. Another, and another, and another. And finally, the door burst open.

There stood Vilmer and Tommy. Vilmer was out of breath having broken open the door, as Tommy stood behind him in shook. I instantly realized who it was. I shot up to my feet and stumbled over to them in my weary state. Tommy caught me in his arms. More tears came as he held me in his confused arms.

"Shit Y/N," Vilmer spoke after catching his breath a bit, "if Tommy hadn't of found you..." he paused, thinking of what to say. "It's a good thing he found you."

    "How... how did you even know I was there?" I asked.

    "You... go to bathroom... didn't come back... heard you yell." Thomas said in his usual broken speech.

    "He found me first. We checked every room, looking around in open ones, knocking in locked ones. We split up which is why he ran off after findin' you" Vilmer explained.

This wasn't where my fear of the dark started, but it most definitely made it much worse.


He didn't say anything, just running back upstairs. I assumed he wasn't gonna get me a light since he didn't even acknowledge the question.

I curled back up, faced the wall away from the stairs. I heard the stairs creak, but I paid no mind until I saw a faint white light casting shadows on the wall.

I turned back. Tommy was holding a little silver flashlight in his hand. He flicked a little plug out of it, and pressed it into the socket in the wall. He was essentially showing me it worked as a nightlight and a flashlight.

He pulled it back out, handing it to me. Then swiftly got up and left. "Thank you," I said quietly as he made his way up the stairs. He must have heard me as the sound of footsteps briefly stopped.

When I heard the door close I pulled the covers over my head. I hugged the flashlight, that was still on, to my chest. It was the only thing keeping me somewhat sane at the moment. Despite the light illuminating the little fort I made, I fell asleep.

Word count: 1000+

A/N- sorry for the lateish post, I've been really busy :P

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