Part 11 |Meat the Family|

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He was frowning, but behind his eyes I knew he was happy for his brother. Despite the facade he would always put on, he loved his brother, and loved seeing him happy just as much as I did.

~~~~ The day of the dance ~~~~

My dad had work the night of the dance, but he still made the effort to see me off to Tommy's house. He dropped me off at the front of the house. I nervously walked up the porch and hesitantly knocked on the wooden door.

It creaked open. A boy I didn't recognize had answered the door. Judging by his appearance, I assumed he must be Tex, the oldest of the 3 Hewitt boys, and the first to drop out of school. "Hi," I said looking at my feet.

"You must be Y/N," he smiled, "come on in!" He moved out of the way, motioning me inside. Before entering I turned to my dad and waved goodbye, before he drove off.

I stepped inside the welcoming aura of the house. I talked to Tex for a bit, waiting for Tommy. "I'm the one who's gonna be driving you kids," he laughed, "I'm happy to thorough!" He added after hearing my angered puff. "I haven't seen Tom this excited about anything... ever!" He looked down the hall and nodded.

I looked over as well, Vilmer was talking to someone who was in the kitchen. "No, mama you're gonna freak her out," I heard him say before pausing. "No, look Tommy said it's not a date!" My face went bright red. Yes nudged my side side with a little giggle, I hurried my face in my hands.

"I wanna meet the girl that is making my boy happy," I heard a woman's voice coming down the hall. When I moved my hands from my face I was created by who I guessed was the boys mother. "Why, you are just a lovely little thing aren't ya'" she gave me a big motherly hug.

"Thank you," I said bashfully.

"No, thank you dear! You have made my boy so so happy... everyone bullies him, but you don't, and that means the world to all of us." She gently grabbed my hand, and nodded with a sweet smile.

"This is our mama if you hadn't figured yet," Tex spoke.

"Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself!" Their mom gasped, "I'm Luda May, but you can just call me mama." I nodded quickly.

Just then, I saw movement at the top of the stairs. Tommy was standing there. He was wearing a loosely fitted light blue suit, with dark blue shoes and a white button up shirt. He was fidgeting with the mask he held in his hands, it was a similar colour to his outfit. I could tell he made it himself, but he did a really good job!

He came down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he just stood there, looking at me. I walked over, taking the mask from his hands. I looked at it with a huge grin, "I love it!" I beamed, handing it back. He reached his empty hand up to my mask, feeling at a couple of the feathers that adorned it. "I made mine too!"

    Luda May wished us off, and we bounded down with steps to Tex's truck. We hopped in the back, Tex in the drivers seat, and groggily Vilmer made his way to the passenger seat.

    After a quick drive with Tex and I singing along to (your fav song), Tommy bobbing his head along to the beat, and Vilmer very audibly complaining, we arrived.

    I stepped out first with a lot of enthusiasm, but Tommy was hesitant. Even Vilmer got out and went inside the school building before Tommy even made it to the stairs. The second Tommy came up to me I practically leapt up the steps to the entrance, but when I looked back, he was fidgeting with his mask and hadn't moved an inch.

    I made my way back down the stairs, staying on the last one to meet Tommy's height, "you can do this," I nodded with a sweet smile. He was shaking, I could see the fear in his eyes. He looked down at his feet as I hopped down the last step, "we can do this Tommy." For the first time since we'd entered Tex's car, he met my eyes. I took the mask from his hands once more, though this time I lifted the mask up to his face. With one hand I held back a few stray curls, and with the other I placed the mask on the upper half of his face. I let go of his hair and pulled the elastic around his head. "There! Perfect!" He gently touched the mask then turned to look up the stairs. I turned to face the stairs as well, "ready?" I looked up at him with excitement. He gave me an unsure nod.

    We made our way up the steps, stopping for a moment before the entrance doors. I looked down at Tommy's hand and grabbed it, interlacing my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand, it kind of hurt, but I understood he was very anxious, so I didn't really mind.

    We pushed into the doors, the hallways were mostly empty, and there was a teacher standing at the entrance to the gymnasium, beckoning us in. When we entered, the lights were all sorts of colours and the music was pretty loud. It wasn't much, only a few decorations sprinkled around gym - probably made by younger grades, and some older kids from the high school were standing around the gym exists. I could see Vilmer looking around so I waved, he looked relieved when he saw Tommy and I, but to be cool around his friends he didn't wave back.

    As I looked around it was hard to tell who was who, but it was easy to guess who some kids were just by their hair, voices, or general look. But I didn't care, I wasn't here for them, I was here for me and Thomas.

Word count: 1000+

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