Chapter 9

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Despite the chill of the near leaf bare, Alderheart rushed through the forest. His pelt fluffed out, a ginger ball of furry fury. His paws squished into the dampened RiverClan marshes as his speed slowed gradually. 

Reeds brushed past him gently, as if encouraging him to tread forward in the light wind of the evening. Mud thickened every now and again, pulsing under his claws, but he remained determined to find the precious poppy seeds for his father. The territory was new to him. More slippery, more muddy. Different, unexplored scents flooded his nose, but Alderheart managed to stifle them and latch onto the familiar smell of poppy seeds. 

Opening his jaws, he could taste marigold with it too, and he felt a wave of relief. There was still hope to find something, despite the remnants of frost and dreary cold.

Alderheart planned mentally to himself. The marigold would prevent infection for Brambleclaw's wound, and the poppy seeds would aid his pain and help him sleep. He was very pleased.

Since the news of the shadow cat had reached him, Alderheart had lived in constant worry, for his sister; another day, his mother; some days, all of them together.  Today, it was his father. He felt helpless as a medicine cat, and he kept all his worries buried inside. For who could he tell, his family?  Alderheart shook his head at the thought. And Jayfeather wasn't the best listener when it came to feelings and worries. 

He breathed a sigh of relief. In that moment, Alderheart felt some of those worries were under control.  

There was hope, after all, even when it was least expected. He moved with pride, confidence, and hope as he gathered the poppy seeds. I finally am not helpless as a medicine cat. He was energized by his words as he imagined his father improving with the precious supplies.

Alderheart picked his way through bushes.  Despite the reeds and shells of RiverClan territory, there were no leaves and infiltrating trees to block his way. He was very grateful that he did not have to search through dense ThunderClan forest when he was so pressed on time. 

Tracing the herbs was hard still though, and Alderheart winced as he slipped into a muddy puddle as he neared the riverbank. 

RiverClan territory has its drawbacks too, he mused to himself.


Alderheart stopped in alarm. He turned to scan the area around him. I can smell something. Not prey. No, something worse. Death. Decay.  

The dark ginger tom was horrified by the new smell permeating the air, growing stronger with every moment. Something is wrong

Gazing in all directions once more, he didn't see the shadow cat or any enemy around him. He didn't feel any movement. But there was something int he distance. Something that  caught his eye, promptly stopping his search for medicine. 

Alderheart crept closer as he crouched low cautiously. It was very still and black. Blacker than the night. It was splayed across the roots of a rowan tree. 

A crow?  He was taken aback. This is definitely not prey 

Alderheart carefully moved the crow, only to find part of it completely rotten. The smell stung his nose and nearly blinded him with disgust. He could feel vomit rising inside him, and he had to swallow hard to force it back down.

Its silky, black feathers were torn and scattered across the soft marshy floor, as if the cat who had eaten it was in a hurry.  It was very messy. 

How did a cat eat this? Alderheart muttered silently, horrified. 

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