Chapter 19

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"This is my favorite spot to come to when I want to think."

Hawkwing was looking out among an icy field surrounded by withered reeds.

"It's much more beautiful when there's no snow." He added.

"It's certainly peaceful. Sometimes we need a break from the commotion of all the cats in the camp." Squirrelstar sighed.

"That's for sure!" Hawkwing's eyes laughed, amused. He paused, a more serious expression in his eyes.

"Do you feel like you need a break from your Clan sometimes?"

Squirrelstar hesitated, not sure of what to say. "I guess it's not because of my Clan. It's just that we all need time alone sometimes."

"I prefer to always share my quiet time with someone special." Hawkwing blinked as he looked at Squirrelstar. Squirrelstar purred, unsure of what to say.

They did not notice that in the bushes behind them, another cat was nearby. Leafpool was trying to dust off snow from herbs in the hopes that she could find some survived the cold. Each time she thought she found something useful, she would find it was destroyed. Her tail drooped as she sat and stared at the array of frozen herbs. Most of them were deformed and torn.

I can't go back to the camp like this, she sighed to herself. She had hoped there would be some dock leaves like Puddleshine had found, but she had no such luck. 

At least I can try to look under the bushes here. Maybe something can be salvaged from the cold.

Leafpool padded, sniffing the bushes intently and moving the leaves gently. She paused when she heard voices.

I didn't know any cats were nearby. Her ears pricked.

Puzzled, she stopped to listen. She could hear her sister's voice talking animatedly. Curious, she pushed her head further through the bush, so she could peer through the other side.

Oh StarClan! Leafpool gasped.

In front of her, Squirrelstar and Hawkwing were sitting unusually close to each other. Their tails were almost entwined. Squirrelstar was telling him stories about her times as an apprentice, when gently, Hawkwing entwined his tail with hers again. Their eyes met in unison with laughter.

Leafpool froze. As a thousand memories flashed through her mind, she was unable to move. First she saw Crowstar reaching to save her when she was going to fall. Then she saw him padding through the moor with her, the wind dancing in their pelts happily. Flashes of images moved quickly, one upon another, until the night they were together in the cave before they had parted, their last night together. That memory slowly faded away, and she saw Crowstar fighting for her Clan when the badgers attacked. His dark head was bending near hers as she wailed for Cinderpelt in an attempt to console her, but to no avail. She remembered her kits, how she had felt when she had carried them far away in the snow. Lonely, scared, heavy. The chill of the leafbare when they were born. Their small paws flailing towards her for milk.

Suddenly, an agonizing worry overwhelmed Leafpool, and it shook every hair on her pelt.

I don't want that for my sister. No, not Squirrelstar. She deserves better.

Her head jolted up in alarm, and she immediately jumped out of the bushes quickly.  Her movement was so fast she nearly bumped into Crowstar.

Crowstar looked into her eyes hesitantly. 

"I heard from some cats that you were looking for herbs. I wanted to tell you I came here yesterday for prey, and I found it empty. I don't think you will have any luck here." He paused, continuing when Leafpool didn't respond.  "Also, Kestrelflight was wondering if you could come back to camp soon because Jessy is acting strange."

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