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The cats were eating from the fresh kill pile and bathing in the warmth of the morning sun. Kits were tumbling about, and there was a lot of cheery chatting in the camp. Even Ivypool had somehow managed to adjust to Tigerstar's demands, although she still gave him razor-sharp glares occasionally. 

The air was blissful. Many cats had hope, or at least they wanted to hope,  that the Clans would go back to normal soon, and the shadow was gone. 

Hawkwing was resting in the warriors' den being watched carefully by Violetshine. To his side, Alderheart had made a small herb area and a makeshift nest for himself. Hawkwing was feeling better, but remained somewhat tired. He wondered, gazing longingly at the entrance of the den. He desperately wanted to go outside. He had heard rumors that Squirrelstar had kitted, and his curiosity was peaking. Glancing over at Alderheart, he noticed that the ginger tom was busy preparing herbs, deep in thought. Then he looked at Violetshine who was eating. 

Perhaps if both of them are busy, I could find a way to get out.

He cleared his throat, speaking hesitantly. "Do you think I am well enough for fresh air?"

Alderheart looked at Hawkwing, surprised. "Your wound is not completely closed." He clearly was unsure and didn't like the idea.

"I'll just go outside near the entrance of this den. And there are many warriors outside." He added, hoping he could sway Alderheart.

Alderheart didn't respond.

"Please, I need to see my Clan and get some fresh air. Do you really think my wound will begin bleeding if I pad a few steps?" Hawkwing tried to lighten the situation to his advantage.

Alderheart looked away. His desire to please tore at him, and Hawkwing knew that very well about him. Hawkwing continued to look at him pleadingly, then he added, "If I take too long, you can come bring me back. I promise." He tried to add some warmth in his eyes for persuasion.

Alderheart nodded his head slowly. Eventually his sympathy gave way. Hawkwing stretched delicately, but then Alderheart interrupted him before he could continue. 

"But you can only go right outside of the den. No further than that." He stared at Hawkwing's legs. "Perhaps it will do your muscles good. I don't think it will do harm." He nodded again, as if to reassure himself.

Hawkwing slowly padded outside the den to the entrance where all the cats were feasting in the morning sun. Several cats looked at him and nodded in recognition. Hawkwing looked over hesitantly at the nursery, knowing that the clearing was busy, and another cat might see him.

Then he saw Leafpool with the medicine cats. Crowstar had just brought her a piece of prey discreetly. Hawkwing moved towards her. 

No one will think anything of a cat speaking to a medicine cat, even if they are from another Clan.

Jayfeather glared disgustedly at Hawkwing's direction when he joined them

Leafpool's mood looks good, Hawkwing thought cheerfullyShe was very bubbly as she spoke to the medicine cats around her. Hawkwing moved closer to her, catching her attention fairly fast.

"Do you mind if I speak to you for a moment, Leafpool? I wanted to ask you a question about my injury. I tried to ask Alderheart, but he told me to double check with you."

Leafpool's gaze puzzled for a moment, then she moved alongside with Hawkwing away from the medicine cats. "You must be feeling much better since Alderheart let you out."

"He thought it wouldn't hurt to stretch a bit." Hawkwing didn't want to add more than that.

"So what did you want to ask me?"

The Looming Darkness (A WARRIOR CATS FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now