Chapter 18

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Tawnypelt padded through the snowy RiverClan marshes, reeds brushing against her flank as Dawnpelt and Lightleap followed. There was an eerie mist rising from the ground that tingled their paws. The night air was unclear and heavy for the cats. They moved through white dusted bushes and reeds, frantically trying to find the scent of the two cats.

"Brambleclaw's scent is here," Dawnpelt flicked her tail to the oak of a tree. The other two came to join her. Tawnypelt inhaled and nodded. "Good. That means we're on the right track."

Tawnypelt tried to prepare herself for how she would feel when she saw Brambleclaw. Deep inside of her, her patience was wearing. Jessy had infiltrated the camp with chaos and problems, and he was so blind he couldn't see through any of it. She was afraid she might explode on him. Just the thought of him sitting with the traitor, the killer of her son made her feel a rush of heat all over. 

How could he allow the cat who knew the shadow cat, who murdered my son, to escape? I know he thinks he has feelings for her, but what about his feelings for me?  For our kin?

The more I think about it, his head is getting fuller and fuller of bees! Nothing he does makes sense.

Dawnpelt interrupted her thinking. "Brambleclaw! He's over there!" A few fox lengths away, Brambleclaw and Jessy were nestled together under the shade of an overhanging rock. "They don't seem to notice us approaching." Tawnypelt whispered.

"That mouse-brained piece of fox dung didn't even leave RiverClan territory after what she did to Tigerstar! How dare she! I wish we could kill her now."  Dawnpelt glared at Jessy.

"Patience, Dawnpelt. She will get what is coming to her soon." Tawnypelt's eyes were as cold as the night air.

Suddenly, the two sleeping cats started to move, and their eyes cracked open lazily. Immediately Jessy noticed Tawnypelt and the other two cats. Her amber eyes widened, and her fur bristled as she rose to her paws. Brambleclaw looked at her worryingly, till he followed her gaze and found the other cats watching them. His fur bristled, and he moved to place himself protectively in front of Jessy. 

"You're coming back to camp with us." Tawnypelt met Jessy's defiant gaze with a steely one of her own. "You have no choice. You can't run any where now."

"None of you will lay a claw on Jessy!" Brambleclaw declared. "I will not allow her to leave with you until I am sure she will be safe.

Dawnpelt narrowed her eyes at Jessy. "She killed my brother. I'll do whatever I like to her. You do not have a say in the matter."

"No," Tawnypelt looked at her daughter. "We are not interested in harming her. We just want to take her back to the Clans. We have a right to find out what she knows about the shadow. It could save all the Clans. And you have to remember your Clan, Brambleclaw. Not everything is Jessy."

Brambleclaw went silent. Dawnpelt grunted, and Lightleap's tail tip twitched ominously, but neither of them moved.

Surprisingly, before any more words could be said, Jessy's fur relaxed, and she padded up to Tawnypelt confidently. 

"If you want to take me, take me." Her expression was smug, and Tawnypelt didn't like it in the least.


The moment Tawnypelt, Dawnpelt, and Lightleap brought Jessy and Brambleclaw back into the camp, an uproar erupted. Noisy, bristled cats of all colors were seething with hatred towards the rogue, whispering or yowling in outrage. Some of them had looks of pleasure in their eyes as if they anticipated the she-cat's punishment.

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