Chapter 22

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Under the light of the moon, Squirrelstar sniffed her way around the forest. There was very little signs of prey. The air was crisp, yet calm. Somehow Squirrelstar felt that she was at ease with being alone. 

Her plans had unraveled unexpectedly, and despite her best efforts to do the right thing, Leafpool had been right. Now Hawkwing was furious with her, many cats were against her, and she found herself in the loneliness place possible, even though she was surrounded by the scents of so many cats. All of them didn't help. They might as well not even be around her. 

The only cat who would help her, she was ashamed to face. She knew her sister had been right. Nothing good had come from telling the Clans the truth. And yet as she looked about the shadows of the forest, they somehow seemed peaceful. There was tranquility in their stillness.

As she wandered about the leaves in the bushes, looking for shelter, relief washed over her. Leaf-bare was drawing to a close, but it was definitely too cold for her to sleep in the open air. Finding shelter was difficult, much to her dismay, because many animals were still hibernating in their dens. Squirrelstar was determined not to give up. She knew she couldn't go back to camp after Hawkwing's reaction, and she had to find another option. 

Her tail flopped lifelessly through the bushes. She padded through them solemnly, twisting through them. Sniffing the air, she decided there was a faint smell of rabbit, but it was very far.

 Was it safe for her to be out so far from camp with the shadow cat lurking about?

 I'll just have to find out, she thought to herself.

Moving further away, the webs of tree branches were hanging over her head, blocking some of the cold air while darkening the light of the moon.  It was so dark that for a moment, Squirrelstar wondered again if she was doing the right thing.

She found the smell of rabbit, faint again, but there was no sign of it. Moving up and scenting the air, she came upon a small, dark den. Unhealthy looking leaves were growing around it, and it was hard for her to see all the way inside. But she couldn't resist the inviting warmth coming from within it. 

I don't scent anything in here. Hope washed through her pelt. 

For a moment, Squirrelstar hesitated, not knowing whether to turn and look for the rabbit or to rest in the den. She felt ravenous, and at the same time, her paws ached. The weakness of her hunger felt like a heavy burden on her, pulling her to the warmth and darkness of the den. She stood at the entrance, torn between hunger and rest. 

A burst of wind blew in her direction, and she shivered.

 If I stay out here, I will get cold searching for the rabbit, and that won't be good for me or the kits. It's not worth the risk.

Squirrelstar had much to think about inside the den, but her mind became mushy as the warmth lulled her to sleep. 

She curled up, fluffing her tail and wrapping it around her to keep her warm.


When Squirrelstar woke, there was a soft dripping sound further back in the cave. Moving to stretch her paws out, she found that she couldn't do it. Her body ached with weakness.

I need to eat, she murmured to herself. I will have to go back to the camp eventually, she sighed. I can't take care of myself on my own with the kits now, although I wish I could stay here. I wish I could forget everything that has happened. She closed her eyes tightly.

Something alerted her outside. Her ears pricked up, and she abruptly opened her bright green eyes. In the distance, she could hear a faint conversation, but the drip drop of the rain outside was making it harder to hear. Curious, Squirrelstar moved slowly, low to the ground, closer to the entrance of the den, but not too close so that she could be seen.

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