Chapter 15

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Firestar plunged through heavy, sinewy bushes, ignoring the icy cold snow that slid onto his pelt.

Hawkwing and Squirrelstar were just behind him, while Blazefire talked animatedly to Sneezecloud. Crowstar and Icewing were bringing up the rear.

Frosty wind speckled with snowflakes whisking across through the  RiverClan marshes. 

At least there isn't any mud to squelch beneath my paws because of all this ice, Crowstar reflected. And the winds are not as harsh as they are in the open moors.

"This way!" Firestar interrupted his thoughts abruptly.

Crowstar tried not to roll his eyes. 

Does he ever think any other cat can lead? We know which direction to walk in, thanks very much!

Firestar reminded him eventually of Leafpool  though. 

It's hard to imagine that the arrogant, bossy ThunderClan leader is her father. Crowstar sighed out loud.

I miss her already, and I need to move on for my Clan. I need to focus on my duties. But now that she is back again, all my judgement is clouded. Her presence is always distracting me from what I need to do. Why is it that what I need to do can't ever agree with what I want to do? 

The black tom's head hung low, as he reflected on so many years of hurt, regret, and anger. Breezepelt and Nightcloud's anger, their faces flashed in his head, and his hurt and regret that produced so much anger. He always threw it on the cats around him, his son, his mate. He wished he could wash it all away. 

I can't. He frowned. 

Crowstar leapt over a tall clump of snow-kissed reeds. He looked up to see Firestar gazing back at them, flicking his tail for his patrol to follow before continuing forward. His green eyes were set forward and gleaming with determination. They looked as hard and fierce as the ice itself.

"Can't we go around the reeds?" Blazefire stopped, slightly annoyed. His voice was barely heard above the howling wind.

Firestar met his gaze sternly. He shook his head commandingly from the other side. "The ice next to it isn't solid enough! It might crack!"

Either Blazefire didn't hear the ginger tom, or he thought he could make it because he went ahead and strode confidently onto the ice, padding towards Firestar.

"See? It was all saf-" Blazefire let out a yowl as the ice beneath his paws cracked and gave way beneath his weight, sliding to the side and slipping him straight into the water.

Firestar rushed over to the cracked edges of the pond and looked down where Blazefire had sunk into its freezing depths .

Crowstar dashed next to Firestar. His voice was short. "That mouse-brain! Why couldn't he simply do as he was told?" He lashed his tail. "We don't have time for this."

Blazefire's head came above the water, spluttering. "H-h-help me! It's c-c-cold! I can't d-die yet! I-I h-haven't c-chosen a m-mate yet!" 

Crowstar rolled his eyes.

Icewing dragged a loose branch towards the edge of the pond. "Can you reach this?"

Blazefire reached out a flailing paw towards the branch, and dug his claws into the edge of the branch.

Squirrelstar, Hawkwing, and Icewing pulled the other end of the branch until Blazefire managed to drag himself out of the pond.

"That was mouse-brained of you!" Squirrelstar snapped. Her tail was ferociously bushy, and she swung it in anger.

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