Chapter 12

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Brambleclaw looked at Squirrelstar with a look of satisfaction.

With every cat looking at her, Squirrelstar hesitated suddenly. She didn't want to condemn any of the two cats near her. At the same time though, she felt she had to put her duties first as a leader. 

It might be difficult, but I will do what is right, she thought stubbornly.

"Well?" Tigerstar glared at Squirrelstar with an anticipating glint in his eyes.

"I have seen Crowstar the past few nights leaving the camp alone."

"What?" Breezepelt nearly leapt forward on Squirrelstar.

"Please let me finish. First, I noticed he left about the same time Alderheart went to the forest. I did not think it was important, and I still think Crowstar had a reason for doing so. He continued to leave every night late when most, if not all the cats, were in their dens. I have to tell this to all of you because of the situation now, not because I think Crowstar is the shadow cat." She eyed Leafpool in a guilty manner. Leafpool looked down, unable to meet her sister's eyes.

Crowstar closed his eyes wearily, miserably. For once, the dark warrior was silent. Tigerstar, seeing him weary and quiet, did not waste any time to catch the opportunity.  

"I knew that crow was a symbol of you!" His voice was seething, filled with hatred. 

WindClan and ShadowClan cats started yowling at each other and unsheathing their claws. It took the RiverClan and SkyClan cats much effort to calm them and separate them.

"Wait, Tigerstar!" Firestar yelled over the cats, his voice commanding and booming. "We are doing this to judge all three of these suspects, so all three of them should be allowed to speak. Crowstar, what do you have to say about this?" 

Firestar looked upon Crowstar with a gentle expression. "Despite our differences, I also believe he has a good reason for leaving the camp late." 

Crowstar awkwardly looked around. His voice was rushed as he spoke. "Sometimes I go out late to walk the forest. I am sorry. I know I am not supposed to because of the circumstances-"

"Liar!" Tigerstar roared. "You are not telling the truth. He is hesitating, and his eyes are wandering when he speaks! We must find out what he is hiding!" 

All the cats started whispering to one another.  It was unclear what any cat, except Tigerstar, was thinking. Leafpool looked anxiously at Crowstar. 

A soft voice came from beside the medicine den. It was Willowshine.

"May I speak?" 

"Yes, you may," replied Firestar, silencing the crowd of cats once more.

"I have seen Leafpool leaving the camp late at night also. I am sorry, Leafpool."

She stared into Leafpool's eyes, guilt all over her face. 

"It is alright." Leafpool broke the silence. "I have been leaving the camp late at night also." She looked at Crowstar. "I have been speaking to Crowstar outside of the camp. He has been needing my help-"

"Don't start with that again!" Breezepelt interrupted her. He started padding towards her quickly. "We all know what happened to him the last time you gave him help!"

Kestrelflight intervened. "Breezepelt, Leafpool is a faithful medicine cat to her Clan, despite her other faults. You should at least let her speak. StarClan has forgiven her, so you should also."

"Leafpool, everyone, it is alright." Crowstar sighed. "The truth is, I have been meeting Leafpool late at night out of the camp. I just wanted to speak to her because she is always busy taking care of cats. I have no intention of breaking the code, nor does she. We are just talking."

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