CJP | You're Attacked PT 2 🔪💞

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TW: Talks of death, coma, hospitals, machinery.


Everything was a bit of a blur.

Flashes of fists, knives, and masked men plagued the darkness that held you.

You felt like you were stuck in a weird place. You knew you were asleep so you didn't feel fear and that made the terrors uninterested and go away.

So you sat in your dream world, wondering and waiting.

It's clear you're not dead but you also haven't woken up in a while.

It couldn't be a coma, could it?

More flashes happened.

At first, they were of John.

Your John, your man.

Tears took up space from his eyes and down his cheeks. He looked so beautiful. But it broke your heart to see him like this. You wanted to reach out and assure him but you couldn't move. One night, you heard him sob in the night.

He stayed with you day and night, the nurses brought up a spare cot for him and he simply just never left.

He looked awful. But handsome as he was yours in every way.

His eyes were constantly red and glassy with bags under his eyes.

At one point you heard arguing and something smashed. Gaz's face then appeared, he greeted you with a soft smile.

He found out about you when John's phone lit up one night with a notification, the background was of you. You were in a field of flowers, sniffing a rose. You smiled at John when you noticed him taking photos and thanked him for bringing you here.

Gaz then teased John the next day and asked when he'd meet you. John ignored his antics and reminded him to stay focused on the task at hand.

Then when they returned to base, they walked into John's office where you sat. You were reading some book and grinned when you saw him.

He was ecstatic to see you as you got up and hugged him. He squeezed you and kissed the side of your head.

You noticed Gaz and blushed a little. You apologized for intruding but John brushed away your worries and Gaz immediately put on the charm. You two became close and it warmed John's heart. Gaz quickly became a friend to you both that day instead of a coworker of John's. He became family and when he and John came back home, you greeted them both with love.

Gaz stands over you. He had tears welling up in his eyes but he blinked them away quickly. He sat next to you, holding your hand. "John was sent home. The nurses were worried about him and when they brought up him leaving and taking care of himself, he just flipped. He smashed a vase of flowers that were left for you. When he realized what he had done, he left. He stopped me though and begged me to look after you so I'm here, Y/n." Gaz recounted.

It broke your heart knowing John was hurting but you had hope that maybe being sent home will give him time and he'll pull himself together. Maybe then he can come back when in a better state of mind.

Gaz kept his promise though and stayed with you day and night. He would read to you, and even invited Soap and Ghost to meet you and play board games by your side. They told stories of times in the field, with John and without. You got to know them more as people. Gaz was the heart, Soap was the soul, Ghost was the brains, making John the blood that pumped through one's body, keeping everything going for the sake of living.

You learned about Soaps sisters, Ghost's dark humor, and Gaz's hatred for the smell of fish.

Those were the best flashes of memories.

You don't have any family besides John. But then Gaz came along and introduced Soap and Ghost to you. It felt like your family was growing. However it seemed like John was becoming the black sheep of the family. He wasn't around anymore and when he did show up, he felt like an outsider.

He felt like he had let you down. Makarov was still out there. He sent out an attack on you and got away with it. It was eating John alive. He couldn't do it anymore.

He's going back to the field.

Gaz was pissed. Never one to mouth off to authority but he needed John to stay, you needed John.

What John needed was Makarov's head, maybe even his heart and some spare organs in case you needed a transplant. There was no difference in your recovery but if things got worse, then John would be prepared to rip Makarov's body open and give you whatever you needed to live.

Soap and Ghost agreed to go back with him.

Gaz was torn, he didn't wanna leave you alone. You needed someone to be here when you woke up. John didn't look too sure you would ever wake up but he couldn't think about it anymore. He needed Makarov.

John left with Soap and Ghost the next day. Gaz stayed with you.

More flashes happened of nurses and doctors standing over you. Rushing around, shouting about cc's and pushing Gaz out of the room.

You heard Gaz some time later. Not sure if it had been days or weeks. He paced at the end of your bed on his phone. "Captain, they're not doing too well."

What was even happening? Was this a coma you were in?

Gaz sounded crushed.

John hung up the phone. He didn't wanna hear more, he couldn't. He got up from a crate he was sitting on and threw his phone against the ground. It smashed into pieces. Soap and Ghost watched on worried as John marched off, breaking things in his wake.

You were getting worse, John wasn't there, Makarov was still alive.

It was bad. Ghost and Soap even tried convincing John to go back to you but he refused. He got colder, quieter.

It had been two months now. There's talk of pulling the plug. They need John's approval first but he won't answer the hospitals calls or even entertain the topic.

Gaz sat next to you. He didn't know if he believed in a higher power but right now he was praying to whoever or whatever would listen when the hospital lights went out.

Gaz looked up and around. Flicking the light switch behind the door but nothing happened. He panicked, you could live without the machines for a bit but what about other residents in the hospital?

The door began to open slowly, Gaz stood behind it still and waited for the person to announce themselves.

They didn't.

They approached your sleeping form, pulling out a knife.


A/n: Part Three? =)

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