KGG | Cleaning Up Together 🔥💞

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Warnings: Cum in face, and fluff.

"Ah... Uh.. I'm... I'm gonna... Ahhh."

You stuck your tongue out as Kyle came roughly, spurts of cum hits your face and you smile knowing you are what gets Kyle going.

You turn him on and push him over the edge like no other. And the thick, drippings of cum on your face is evidence of that.

His kept jerking his cock, milking himself deliciously as cum hits your cheeks, chin, and tongue.

His body twitched as he grunted and moaned out.

"Ah... Y/n..." He looked down at you with lazy smile and he traced your jaw with his thumb. He swipped some of his cum, placing it on the tongue, making you suck.

He squeeze his cock as he watched you.

He bent down and kissed on the lips.

It's silly but it was so refreshing to you to find a man who wasn't afraid of his own cum or to show love. It was so intimate.

He then wrapped one arm around you, lifting you to your feet with ease, you moaned into his mouth as he did this.

God, he's so sexy.

He pulled away and stared at you lovingly. He swayed you both so sweetly. He kissed your jaw then licked a string of cum off your cheek. You bit your lip and shivered at the action.

"Come on, love. Let's clean you up." He moved some hair out of your face, kissing you gently before picking you up bridal style.

You laughed at the quick motion and held on to him tightly.

He carried you into the bathroom and sat you on the bathroom counter. You watched him wet a small towel before standing before you again.

He wiped you face gently, you watched him with such caring eyes as you fell more in love with the caring way he took care of you.

Once he was done, he pulled away with a smile, "There, beautiful as always." He winked at you.

You grinned, placing your hands on his jaw and kissing him sweetly. He hands found the small of your back, caressing you.

He pulled away, throwing the towel in the hamper behind him before carrying you again.

He placed you gently in bed before jumping over you to his side of the bed. You both chuckled as he pulled the covers over the both of you. You nuzzled your face into his cheek, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing himself into you.

You stretched your legs a bit, feeling like you needed a bit more. You needed to be closer.

You turn your head to look at him, "Yes, sweetheart?" He smirked. He knew you so well.

"I need you closer." You mumbled, hiding yourself in his chest.

"I know what you need, dolly." He kissed your head. You faced away from him and lifted your leg a bit as he slid easily inside you.

The stretch was yummy and just what you needed.

He kissed your cheek before resting himself.

"Goodnight, darling." He whispered in the dark. You lifted his hand from your waist, kissing it, "Goodnight, handsome." You replied back. You shimmed yourself impossible closer to him, still holding his hand.

Tonight was the type of perfect that seeped into your dreams. Everything is alright and as it should be as you both drifted off.

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