JSM | Magic Soap PT2 Stripper AU! 💞🔥

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You then heard the bathroom door opened, you thought nothing of it till you heard Soap's voice.


You head lifted up at the voice, you recognized the voice. You quickly pull your hand from your slippery cunt and shimmy your skirt back on. You come out of the stall and see Soap.

He had a concerned look on his face, as if he couldn't get any cuter. You smiled, "Hi?" He smiled back and watched as you walked over to the bathroom sink and washed your hands. Be grabbed some paper towels and held your hands delicately and dried them. You blushed furiously with a smirk and avoided eye contact which made him bite his tongue, he found you so hot and the way you turned red had his already hard cock and firm balls twitch.

He pushed the thought away and remembered why he was here in the first place. "Are you okay, mi ghràidh?" He bent his knees a little and found your eyes.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You asked.

"Well just the way you rushed in here, I thought I may have gone to far?" The Scott's man continued to hold your hands.

"Oh, no! I had so much fun! I just... I feel how red I am and... I just needed to gather myself for a moment." You explained.

This went straight to Soap's ego that you needed space after a seductive dance with him. From the moment you walked in, Soap found you so attractive that he lost himself on stage with you. He's not supposed to lick and kiss the clients like that but he just couldn't help himself. Realizing now that you're in here trying to recoup, gave him ideas that his boss wouldn't approve of.

"Can I feel?" He asks.

You look at him confused until he clarified. "You're wet, aren't you? Can I feel it?" He bit his lip, making you squeeze your thighs and nod your head.

"Words, doll face." He commands.

"Y- yes, p- please." It's your turn now to bite your lip. Soap holds your hips and helps you sit on the sink. In the mirror, he notices the door and quickly leaves your side to lock it before making his way back to you. "This pretty pussy is only for my eyes right, sweetheart?" His voice comes out somewhat thicker as your heart swells at how caring he is of your privacy despite the show he just put on out on the stage just moments ago.

His fingers trail up your tights and over your skirt before reaching the hem and pulling on them away from your body enough to slide his hand in. First he played with thick hair on the shell of your pussy. You looked away to fight off the embarrassment but that didn't last long as he grabbed your jaw with his free hand, making you look back at him as he traced your slit, slowly spreading your folds. He circled your hole but never entered, instead sliding his fingers back up to graze your clit, making you gasp.

Suddenly, you felt bold. You squeezed his pec before moving your hand low and over his hard abs, you tangled your fingers in the hair trailing beneath his red thong. Soap chuckled, "Go ahead, you deserve it baby." He egged you on. He placed his hand over yours, pushing you to feel him over the thin fabric. You pushed his hands away and slid your hand under the cloth. Rubbing his cock between your fingers, you felt how veiny he was going towards his mushroom head that wasn leaking. He shivered at the touch.

He leaned his forehead against yours and whispered, "Can I fuck you, M'eudail?" You nodded rapidly, "Yes." You pushed your skirt and tights off, kicking off a boot to free a leg as Soap made you watch as he slid his thong off slowly so that his member slapped against his stomach. You scooted forward as he held up both of your legs from under your knees. He moves his hand to aim his cock at your entrance and slowly slides in.

You scrunch your face as you adjust to him. You felt yourself being split open, each vein making itself known. You both moaned out as you watched him push further in.

Once fully in, he held your jaw and kissed you firmly. You felt like your heart was gonna burst at the act. He pulled away breathing heavily as he grabbed hold of your legs again, lifting them high enough to rest on his shoulders.

He began thrusting, your pussy squeezing his length causing him to groan out, he looked up, "Fuuucck." He whines making you feel hotter. You see the veins in his neck become more visible as he grows red and sweaty.

He reached in between the two of you, finding your clit, he pinched it and slapped it lightly, making you yelp but grow closer to the edge. He soothed you by rubbing your nub gently. You held his shoulders as he railed you, he used his free hand to slap the side of your ass roughly multiple times.

"So bad, you wanted to get fucked didn't you huh? But you deserve it don't you baby?" He spoke in a mocking tone that made you cry out. "Yes! Please! I need it so badly! Please make me come!" You begged.

"You don't need to beg, baby. Let me feel you soak my fat cock." His voice was just what you needed to push you over the edge. You moaned loudly as he still tickled your clit, your eyes rolled back into your head. You lips in the perfect O. Soap instinctively puts his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet (not realizing that wasn't necessary in a club setting) which adds to your excitement and makes the waves of your orgasm more intense.

The noises leaving your pussy got louder, pushing Soap's orgasm as he felt you squirt on him. Soap knows better though, before his orgasm hits, he pulls out and comes all over your pussy. His moans making you twitch.

Feeling the calm wash over him, he slowly pulls your legs off his shoulders and lowers them gently. He then rests his head on your shoulder, pulling you into a hug.

You felt so sleepy, resting your eyes as you held each other.

Once calm, he kissed the side of your neck and head. He pulled away against your whiny protest, he smirked. "It's okay baby, just relax." He went and grabbed some paper towels and helped clean you up.

He then pulled your tights and skirt back up. He looked around and eventually found your boot on the ground. He slipped it on you (like you were Cinderella!) and tied the laces before helping you off the counter.

You chuckled yourself as you saw his thong was still around his thighs and pulled them for him. He laughed as you did so. "What? It's only fair!" You reasoned.

"Thank you, Brèagha." He smiled. It was then silent for a moment as Soap rubbed the back of his head. "Heh, sorry. I haven't done this before so... I don't know what to do next." Soap says nervously.

"No worries, I know this was probably a one time thing and that's okay! I had lots of fun tonight, Soap." You state. Soap looked... Not happy with that. "That's the thing, I don't want this to be a one time thing. You're very attractive and... If you want, I'd like to take you out sometime." He suggested.

You didn't know how dating would work out with his career but with just the way he fucked you so nicely. You just had to give him a chance.

The End

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