CJP | You're Attacked Ending 🔪💞

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Warnings: Guns, death, fighting, long reading, hints a smutty stuff.

Chasing Makarov made John feel useless.

You're in the hospital because of him, and John can't even avenge you.

Every lead is a dead end and it kills the Captain.

How was he supposed to go back home to you without Makarov's blood on his hands?

A small part of John that had very little hope left, believed that killing Makarov was going to wake you up.

The logical side said he was delusional thinking that taking a soul will give back a soul.

Two months of nothing.

John was getting desperate and desperation led to sloppy outcomes.

John was getting close though.

He could feel it after the last mission. He literally had his hands on Makarov.

Makarov only just barely got away thanks to a bomb explosion. John stopped to watch the smoke and flames rise, he hoped Soap and Ghost were nowhere near it but this distraction cost him.

But he had been tailing Makarov ever since.

Ghost and Soap lost John in the frenzy. Ghost took charge as a lieutenant does and commanded a search for Captain John Price, finding John meant possibly finding Makarov.

This time though, Makarov had recruited a seven foot giant that had no problem taking on John.

The Konni had caught John following and beat the hell out of him. Dragging him back to Makarov only to be mocked. Makarov mentioned his plans, the ending would be forcing John to watch as he killed you once and for all.

However John didn't expect that you were still a threat. How could you be? You were in a coma, miles away from this mess. Makarov sent a clear message so why did his new plans involve killing you completely?

No time could be wasted. John was thrown into a cell. He was bloodied, one eye swollen shut, but his brain fully intact.

In his cell was a broken radio that was smashed into bits. Did the morons really think he couldn't do anything with this? As if to tease him? He got to work quickly and was able to send Morse code out into the blind.

It took three hours but Soap and Ghost heard it and went to John's location.

They successfully infiltrated the Konni base but didn't find Makarov but John knew where he was. He shouted to Ghost that Makarov's next plan was to kill you. Soap covered John as Ghost sent out a message to Gaz, not knowing the Gaz was already in a predicament of his own.

Gaz slowly crept out from behind the door and stalked behind the man with a knife that was heading towards your limp body. Gaz jumped onto the man, the man backed up into a wall to get Gaz off of him and it worked, leading to punches being thrown.

It had been ten minutes and John, Ghost, and Soap had not heard from Gaz and they knew something was happening. They contacted Nik and Laswell.

Nik made it to them in forty excruciatingly long minutes that had John tearing his hair out. Laswell though sent police to your location quickly.

The police entered the hospital slowly with weapons drawn. They were outnumbered but held up a good fight as doctors and nurses and patients rushed between the guns and bullets, some getting hurt or even killed in the mix.

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