Head Cannons: He'd Rather Hang With You 💞

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A/n: This includes characters like John Price, John Soap MacTavish, Simon Ghost Riley, Kyle Gaz Garrick, Keegan Russ, Hesh Walker, Alejandro Vargas, and Phillip Graves.

TW: Fluffy🐈

John Price:

John walked into your shared bedroom with a sigh. "What's wrong baby?" You asked as John sat on the edge of the bed and began pulling at the laces of his boots. "Nothing luv, just tonight I promised Soap I'd go out with him and the others but I'd rather just stay home tonight with you." He says nonchalantly. You look at his back, not saying anything. It shouldn't surprise you as much as it does but it warmed your heart to know that you were his number one, not just in love but as his best friend. The thought causes a smile to spread across your face. John turns to look at you after a moment of silence, "You okay? Your quiet." He points out. You get on your hands and knees and crawl to him on the bed. You stood on your knees in front of him and hugged him tightly. You kiss his cheek, "I'll make you a deal. You go out with the boys tonight and then tomorrow, I'll help you come up with excuses to stay home with me and we'll do whatever you want." You bat your eyes at him as he scoffs. "You mean that? I'll have you all to myself tomorrow?" You nod happily. "All yours."


Johnny MacTavish:

You say on the couch in your living room when Johnny came in dramaticly stomping and pouting. He flopped himself on to the couch, hiding his face in your lap. You continue to scroll through your phone, not phased by Johnny's occasional mood swings. You absent mindedly rub his head, "What's wrong, sweet boy?" You asked. He lifted his head and looked up at you, "I stupidly pushed for the boys to have a boys night out at some pub and now that it's actually time to go, I realized that I'd rather just stay home with you." He whined and dropped his head back into your lap. You couldn't help but smirk at his behavior. You continue to pat his head while thinking of some nice words to help him through this when his head lifted excitedly. "I got it, you can come with!" He suggested. You immediately didn't want to do this as you planned to stay home and relax but Johnny was just too excited. "Baby, it's boys night. It's supposed to be just you and your friends." You reasoned which made him throw puppy dog eyes your way. "But baby! I need you! I can't survive without you." He groaned like a child and dropped himself onto your lap again, holding your waist. "Please please please please please please please?" He continued, it was making you start to lose your mind. "Fine!" You laugh. "Just stop your nonsense." You covered your ears as Johnny jumped up and tackled you into a suffocating hug, "Yayyy!"


Simon Ghost Riley:

Ghost straight up just didn't care. He told Johnny to his face that he'd totally show up to boys night when in reality, he was plotting his excuses not to go. He was home alone making dinner for the both of you while you were at work. He pulled out his phone as he lit some candles. Texts from Johnny came through asking where Ghost was. Ghost just texted back something along the lines of his car not starting. Johnny offered to send an Uber which made Ghost come up with how he wasn't feeling well. Johnny asked if he really wasn't feeling well and had a broken down car or if he just didn't wanna come? Ghost didn't answer. The front door opened as he finished setting the table. He greeted with a warm hug, helping you take off your coat before leading you to the kitchen. You two hadn't planned anything so to say you were surprised was an understatement. Ghost pulled out a seat for you, pushing you in and setting your plate in front of you. You stuttered out a thank you as he sat next to you and held your non-dominate hand, watching as you ate and asking about your day.


Kyle Gaz Garrick:

Kyle had already planned to take you out the night Johnny wanted to have a boys night. Kyle had told Soap no from the get go. He came home to you getting ready for the night ahead as Kyle came up behind you, wrapping his arms around the small of your waist. Resting his chin on your shoulder and watched as you got all dolled up... Just for him. He smiled at the thought, turning you around to face him so he can place a delicate kiss on your lips. This was a moment in time where he realized that yeah, he'd rather do anything else with you.


Keegan Russ:

There wasn't much to do in a war filled world but on the rare occasion that there's something fun and normal to do, Keegan wasn't one to pass up on it. But since meeting you, all he's ever wanted was to spend time with just you. Elias had planned a fun night for all the soldiers, Keegan watched as you got ready and felt a huge urge to yank those pesky, uncomfortable, and restricting clothes and throw you in bed for a night filled of snacking and cuddles. He did just that, as you went to put a necklace around your neck, Keegan stopped you. Taking the necklace from your hands and delicately placing it back into your jewelry box. He undressing you and you didn't question it. You wanted to spend time with just him as well but didn't say anything because you thought he wanted to go but seeing him carry you to bed and climb in next to you, made you hum contently with not a worry in the world.


Hesh Walker:

Hesh and you went to the small get together that his father had set up. You both were immediately bored despite the fun you were actually having. You yawned and Hesh jumped at the opportunity, "Sorry dad but the lady is tired and your the one who taught me about happy spouse, happy life." He joked. "Yes but that sentence implies you have a spouse to care for and I don't see a ring on my finger, Mr. Walker." You teased him as the boys laughed. "Alright alright, come on sleepy head." He grabbed your hand and led you out of the area as you waved goodnight to everyone. Hesh had a smile on his lips as you both made your way to your shared quarters. "What are you smiling about?" You asked with a grin of your own. Hesh looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, "Nothing, sweet heart. I've just been waiting all my life for this."


Alejandro Vargas:

As commander, Alejandro has to throw a little banquet of some kind as an acknowledgement of there hard work. He stood at a small standing table, drinking champagne when he saw you walk in. You looked absolutely perfect and all he wanted was to spend some alone time with the love of his life. He thought about it, this was a place ment to give commanding officers a night of fun. Fun in Alejandro's mind was anything that involved you. So he walked towards you, meeting you have way. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards a family bathroom. He didn't care about prying eyes while you looked panicked. He dragged you in and locked the door. Before you could say anything, he kissed your lips and hugged you. You stood frozen but felt your heart racing. "You look so perfect, mi amor." His voice deep and heartfelt as you wrapped your arms back around him. Enjoying this moment, you think, "Who cares what others think is actually going on in here?"


Phillip Graves:

General Shepherd was hosting a big party for the shadows, Phil stood uncomfortable in his tuxedo. The collar of his shirt made his neck super itchy. He twisted his head and had a look of annoyance sitting on his face. Shepherd thought it made him look bad so he pulled you aside and asked that you do something about your boyfriend before people started asking questions. You walked over, resting a hand on his bicep. "Baby?" He looked you and for the first time all night, he smiled. Despite the discomfort, you brought him a different type of comfort that made everything worth it. He followed your gaze as you pulled him to a snack table. Putting together a plate for the both of you before finding a table. As Phil dug into his food, you loosened his collar. He went to stop you but you slapped his hands away. "The most important part of the night is over, Phil. You don't need to strangle yourself anymore." You laugh which made him smirk. He let you continue, soon he was full and relaxed, not having something wrapped around his neck anymore. He felt sleepy and rest his head on your shoulder before leaning up to whisper in your ear. "Let's go, baby." He said. "You wanna go home, Cowboy?" You confirmed. "With you, I'm already home. I just want some alone time."


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