JSM | Waking Up In His Body 🔥💞

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Requested by AllOfUsAreOnCrack07

TW: Slapping, biting, being walked in on, dirty words, SMUT, let me know if I missed anything please!

Y/e/c - your eye color

You woke up completely ignorant to any change that was happened. You felt something against your legs and assumed it was your boyfriend Johnny who had woken up with his classic antics, hoping you'd entertain him.

You kicked the feeling away, "Johnny, stop it." You whined, still half asleep. You didn't get a response but the feeling on your leg was still there. You huffed and sat up, "Johnny, I said knock it o-" You look around and find Johnny is no where to be seen. Out out the corner of your eye, you noticed something hairy. It's Johnny's arm... But it's your arm!?

You sprang out of bed and to your closest mirror and there you were, standing tall with muscles you've never known this personally. You feel that heaviness against your leg again but you know what it is this time.

"Jeez, how do men walk around with this?" You chuckled to yourself. You go the idea to start shaking your hips back and forth, making your penis slap against your thighs. You started laughing hysterically. "This can't be real." Part of you thought this was a dream but you had something slapping you to prove otherwise.

You looked into the mirror again, this time in awe. You're in the body of the love of you life, things could be worse right? You only hoped Johnny was in your body and not some total stranger or freak. You used your veiny and strong arms to caress your abs, so hard and prominent, you felt you cock twitch in excitement. It was only natural to travel lower and squeeze it a bit for friction. You lifted it up and shook it a bit, your eyes catching the heavy balls resting underneath. You smiled and looked with loving eyes as you tugged at it. You took a calming breath as this all felt very nice.

Idea's crossed your mind like a wildfire. All the sex toys you and Johnny have, why not make this more interesting?

You walk over to Johnny's secret stash, pulling out a fleshlight that moves on its own and has handles to hold onto.

Quickly, you got back on the bed and went to Johnny's bedside drawer. You pull out some lube and start spreading it over your semi-hard cock. Just for the hell of it, you lean over and spit on it and spread it around, slapping your thigh for the stimulation.

You grabbed the fleshlight and slid in slowly. You started on a low level, wanting to build it up but nothing was enough. You started doing things that you saw Johnny do to himself. You laid on your side, taking for dominate hand and lightly circling the enterence of your ass. "Oh yeah, put it in my ass baby, please." You cried out as you set the fleshlight to a higher speed and start fingering yourself.

You needed more but there was just too much and no one to help you. Or so you thought until the bedroom door opened. You sat up in a panic, ripping your hands away from you and covering yourself with a blanket. You look back up at the door way and you see it's... You?

It's your body standing there but who's in it? "M'eudail? It's me, it's Johnny." His voice came out, it was almost funny having such a rough voice leave a delicate and soft body.

You sighed in relief, hopping out of bed. You go to hug him but everything is different. You're used to him picking you up and twirling you, not his face is in your manly chest, holding your waist.

You pull Johnny's feminine figure to the bed, he crawls on your lap, wrapped his arms around your shoulders while you held your waist, just like you did before the body swap. "Where were you? I woke up alone." Johnny chuckled before answering, "I was at your house somehow, doing to myself what you were just doing?" He smirked as you blushed. "Once I was done, I went to find you." He finished. "Well here I am." You laughed. "How the hell did this even happen?" You asked.

Johnny shook his head, "No time for that, Bonnie. You were busy before I interrupted you. How about we help each other out, huh?"

It was weird honestly having your body push you down on the bed.

Johnny wore one of your favorite pajama sets, quickly making work to unbutton the top, showing you his breast. You leaned up and started sucking on one nipple while your hand tweaked the other. You moved your hand low and into his pajamas shorts, noticing he wasn't wearing any panties. You trailed his slit, making him shiver as you sunk on finger into his hole.

"No sweet cheeks, I need more." He said, he stood up and quickly discarded his shorts and climbed back on top of you, he jerked your cock for a moment, spreading around any pre-cum that was in the way. He kissed the tip and sucked it lightly before moving up more and lining up his hole.

Slowly he sank down, you moan out. He starts off slowly just grinding back and forth. You grab hold of his well manicured hands, guiding him. "You're doing so well baby. Taking it like a good girl." You egged him on, using the words he usually uses on you. His gummy walls made such obscene noises that only turned you on more. Johnny whine pathetically as you rubbed his breast then went down and found his clit. He jerked and let out a little yelp at the stimulation.

You couldn't take it anymore, using his strength, you picked him up and tossed him on his back on to the bed. He sat up spreading his legs as you crawled on top of him and slid your cock in him. Giving him no time to adjust, you start railing him. Pinching and lightly slapping his clit. He tried to squirm away but you pinned him down.

It made you even harder seeing what he does to you when roles are reversed. You liked man handling him.

You lifted his legs into your shoulders, angling your hips just right and nailing the spongy spot that made his y/e/c roll. He panted and planted a hand on your chest. "M'eudail, I-" He can't say much as you reach forward and kiss him. Whispering into his ear, "I know baby, squirt all over me. Show me how well daddy takes care of you and squeeze my cock. It's all your's to take from baby."

That seemed to be enough to push him over the edge and make you even hotter, "Fuck." You cried, watching as he convoluted and dripped all over you.

He yelped as the stimulation was getting to him, he didn't know whether he wanted you to stop or keep going. It was all too much and not enough. He gripped your shoulders, "come on, lovie." He encouraged you.

Feeling close, you pull out. Climbing up more and straddling Johnny's new face. Johnny felt his pussy twitch so painfully good at this position. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue and you jerked your cock. Johnny used his hands to fondle your balls.
"Ah ah ah, I'm- I'm gonna cum!" You squealed. Johnny slapped your balls a little before sticking two fingers in your ass and thrusting them in. Successfully pushing you over the edge, hot splashes of thick and stringy cum. It surprised you both how much came out.

You took your time catching your breath, collapsing on your side. Johnny kissed your chest, leaving little nibble marks around your nipples, making squirm. Finally Johnny has had enough to and rest his head on your chest while caressing your back. You held him tightly just as he's done for you in the past. Taking shuddery breaths, "You did so good for me baby." You moaned into his hair.

Johnny played with your mohawk and smiled at your words, "Hmm you did even better." He chuckled.

The silence following was peaceful.

You were just on the edge of sleep land when Johnny interrupted, "You look good with a Mohawk."

Your eyes flew open, "Just the fuck up." You both busted out laughing and playfully shoved each other before settling down again.

This time, Johnny is drifting into a peaceful slumber when you whisper, "Happy Valentine's Day."

The End!

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