2. There's no room in this hell, there's no room in the next

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While walking through the LITERAL gates of hell, I felt so many pairs of eyes on me. I knew I was in for it because well, I was the new, nerdy, and unstable weird kid. I also transferred here with only like 6 months left of the school year.

As I took the crumpled up paper that my schedule rested on out of my pocket, I began scanning the paper for my designated locker. I was assigned #87.

As I walked around, probably looking like a lost shelter dog, I saw locker #86 and #88, but no #87? But of course, with my luck, there was a group of jocks standing right in front of my locker, legs kicked up and arms crossed. SERIOUSLY?? It was my first day and I already had to deal with these people??

"Come on now," I muttered nearing my locker, head down and staring at my shoes, thinking I only said it in my head.

"What was that?" The jock said, my head darting up to face the raven haired boy.

"Oh, I-I uhhh, s-sorry" I mumbled under my breath, my face reddening from embarrassment, and head falling forward to face my shoes again. FRANK?!?! WHAT THE FUCK??? I thought to myself, cringing at my poor choice of words.

Face flushed, I gather enough confidence to look up to the taller, raven haired boy, staring down at me. To my surprise, he had a.....grin planted to his face??

Did I do something? I mentally questioned myself.

The jock peered down at me with a condescending grin. "Am I in the way, sugar?"

Sugar?? Seriously??? I wince at the nickname but answer truthfully.

"Yeah, #87 is my locker.......heh"

"You should have told me, I would move ya' know" He said.

YOU FUCKTARD, WHAT DO YOU THINK IM DOING RIGHT NOW?? HUH??? I mentally face palmed. Annoyed, I hurriedly agree and shove my unessential books into my locker, closing the goddamn door.

The first bell blared, saving me from this god-awful, awkward situation. I quickly glance at my schedule, seeing where my first period, chemistry, was located. Room 34b? Alright, I thought rounding the corner, approaching my classroom. Suddenly from behind me, I felt a strong grasp on me, a hand on each shoulder. Swiftly spinning around to see whose pair of hands were on me, I was meet with a familiar face. The older looking jock I had encountered just moments before...was standing infront of me??

"I never received your name?" He said, soft-spoken, with a slight smile present on his face. Relieved, I excuse my haunting thoughts of getting beaten up behind.

"The names Frank, Frank Iero." I said, almost inaudible. Earning a grin from the raven haired boy looking down at me. I shot him a cautious smile, satisfied when he replied with a small chuckle.

"I know you didn't ask but, I'm Gerard." He replied.

"Gerard Way." He says mockingly. I let a shy laugh escape my mouth. Why was he being so nice? Was it because his friends weren't around to see he was talking to a nerdy outcast?? Whatever.

Awkward silenced-tension filled the air before I spoke up, "I should head to class."

"Alright," was all the older boy said, and handed me a small piece of paper, almost vanishing with the speedy steps he took. Accelerating in the opposite direction, I laugh and head to class, shoving the small folded up note the raven haired boy kindly donated to me, into the pocket of my jeans.

I stood infront of the room with the number 34b plastered onto it, hesitantly wanting to knock since I was already 10 minutes late to my first class. Lightly tapping on the door with my knuckles, I gracefully walk in and spot a seat in the back. Scoring a seat next to a semi-nerdy boy, I pull the note out of my jean pocket and briefly looked over it.

A phone number? Seriously? I hadn't even known him for 5 minutes and already earned his number. Oh well, at least I have a new...friend?? I questioned what term I should use for our friendship since I'd barely known the boys name. As I felt a nudge to my left. I look over to the boy I was seated next to.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"I'm Micheal, but you can call me Mikey!" He exclaimed, louder than reserved. Causing a disturbance as the teacher nagged at us to be silent. I let out a laugh and replied.

"I'm Frank, nice to meet you Mikey." I said, sticking my hand out as a joke for him to shake. As I took his hand in mine, I noticed he looked a lot like the raven haired boy I had encountered just minutes before this.

Must be a coincidence? I thought, not allowing myself to pay attention to the chemistry lecture being declared by our teacher.

After about 30 minutes the school bell rang signifying the end of our first block. As I walked out the door I hear Mikey yell my name from behind, and turn to face him. He hands me a note, similar to the one I had received from the jock earlier. Shoving that into my pocket I shoot him a small grin and walk towards my second period, World History.


A/N: hoping this chapter is good enough for u guys......definitely starting to get the hang of this (kinda...)

ANYWAY lobe u guys,


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