5. Look alive, Sunshine

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"Follow me!" Mikey hushed, pulling my arm to follow him.

We were now in physical education, fully dressed in the designated attire. I was relived once I found out Mikey and Ray shared this class with me.

As Mikey tugged me along, we ended up behind tall bleachers, away from the rest of the students. Ray caught up, panting.

"Geez, how did you guys get here so fast?" He said, catching his breath and a hand on his heart. Mikey and I shared a glance and laughed accordingly.

We all took a seat on the dirt beneath us, trying to keep our P.E. clothes from getting dirty.

"So....Frank," Mikey began to say, "I've only met you a few hours ago, tell me about yourself!" he continued.

I sighed, debating if I should begin with my sob story or briefly inform him about myself.

"Well, I'm 16, my birthday is on October 31st-" I started to say as Ray cut me off.

"That's a cool ass birthday!" He insisted.

I chuckled, picking up where I had left off, "I recently moved here from Nevada, I live with my mom, not too far from here actually, I play guitar, and I'm really into the 'Misfits', thats about it honestly. I have a boring ass life."

"Oh my god, I play bass!" Mikey shouted, with a pleasant smile spread across his face.

"And I play guitar!" Ray happily informed me.

"Now all we need is a singer and drummer," I snickered. Mikey's eyes shot up to meet mine, face glowing in delight.

"My brother sings," Mikey started, "maybe you could meet him someday!"

"Yeah, for sure!" I replied.

"My friend Bob, he plays drums," Ray stated, "he's actually pretty good, says he wants to start a band"

"One day." Mikey voiced to Ray, a wide grin planted on his face.

"Anyway, Mikey, tell me about yourself," I began, "you too Ray!" I sent hopeful glances their way.

"Well, im 16 as well, my birthday is next week actually, the 10th of September, my full name is 'Micheal James Way', I play bass as you now know, my favorite band is probably 'The Smashing Pumpkins' or Anthrax', I have  heterochromia, and -well- thats about it."

"Woah, pretty cool man!" I said truthfully.

"My turn!" Ray said, "Im 17, my birthday is July 15th, I play guitar, my first name is actually Raymond, but I prefer Ray, and I'm 6'1!"

"Damn you're tall as hell, Ray," I muttered "my tiny ass is like 5'6." Ray snorted at my comment, nodding his head in agreement.


Changing out of my P.E. attire, Mikey's words suddenly punched me in the face. I recalled him stating his full name; Micheal James Way.

Not sure if im having a stroke but Gerard's last name is 'Way' too, right?

Must be a coincidence, oh well! I exclaimed mentally.

Noticing I was the only person in the vacant locker rooms, I quickly brought my pants to my waist, adjusting my shirt as well. I turn to grab my backpack from the locker. Taking my phone from the side pocket, I open my phone to reveal a message from Gerard.

Gerard: Hey, meet me behind the school?

Frank: Sure, but why?

Gerard: No questions.

To the End ((Ferard))Where stories live. Discover now