4. So, why don't you blow me?

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After my rant I decided to leave and wander the school, needing some time alone. Waving bye to Mikey and Ray, I part ways and walk towards the left wing of the school. Oh fucketh I need to piss, I thought to myself.

Opening what I thought was the bathroom door, but turned out to be the fucking janitors closet? I stood there, mouth agape and absolutely appalled at what was going on in front of me. The couple stopped their disgusting activities to turn around and see who interrupted them. As the tall boy turned around, I was met with a familiar face.

"GERARD?" I gasped, trying to take in what was going on. His face going pale, immediately shut the door in my face. Still trying to process the fact I saw Gerard getting jerked off in the janitors closet, I smiled to myself. Ew, Frank stop. That's fucking disgusting. I lecture myself.

I walk into the actual bathroom, closing and locking the stall door behind me. I decide to text Ryan, as I needed the shit that was on my mind to torture someone else.

Frank: Hey Ryan!! :)

Ryan: Hey Frankie ;)
What's up???

Frank: Nothin'
Just needed to talk to someone

Ryan: Okay
How's school??

Frank: Good...... I guess

Frank: Beside the fact I just saw a cute boy getting jerked off in the janitors closet

Ryan: OOOOO Frankie's already fancied someone I see

Frank: Sadly
I hate being horny

Frank: Oh and also...his friend group bullies me

Ryan: Seriously Frankie........

Ryan: It's your first day and you're already falling for some "cute" bully, and not to mention HE HAS A GF.

Frank: Who mentioned anything about a gf???

Ryan: No friend would willingly jerk you off in a school janitors closet, Frankie

Frank: Ugh whatever, I'll just be horny and alone

Frank: Bye Ryan

Ryan: Bye Frankie ;)

I scoffed at our conversation. I really did miss him. School would never be the same without him, he was my best friend, my happiness, my first love.

I'm gonna piss now, I pondered. Getting up from my place on the floor, I unzipped my pants and did my business. After stepping out of the stall, making sure the coast was clear, I walked to the sinks. Starting to wash my hands, I was suddenly started by the door opening. Accompanying the loud noise, a familiar face followed. Gerard.

"What do you want Gerard???" I said, kind of pissed off.

"I wanted to talk to you, Frank" He replied. A hand rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. A blush creeping up on his face. Deciding if I should play hard or accept that he needed to talk, I chose the latter and agreed.

To the End ((Ferard))Where stories live. Discover now