10. Blowjob slut

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"Fucking faggot." Axl says, shoving me into the nearest locker. Only just recently had Gerard told me the names of his friends, aka my bullies.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I mutter, barely above a whisper. Clutching the backpack straps closest to my chest.

"Stay out of the way and don't take this hallway, it's mine."

I stutter,"W-will do."

I look up to him, nervousness spread across my face. And he pushes me into the locker once more, making sure I had learned my lesson, and walks away.

I cautiously take a few steps forward, then accelerate the opposite direction. Hoping to run into Mikey, Ray even.

Now running to my chemistry class, I make it to room 34b. Phew, right on time, I ponder, just as the bell rings.

"Dude, where were you. Ray and I were trying to find you."

"Oh, just Axl again," I insist, chuckling nervously. Rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment as I take the seat beside him.

"You can't just let him take advantage of you like this. Pretty soon he's gonna' ask you to be his blowjob slut!"

I consider the suggestion. Thinking if it'd be too childish or not. It honestly wouldn't be that bad, it's probably big.

"You're seriously thinking about it?!" Mikey shrieks, causing the class to turn to us and send nasty glares. Mikey raises his hands in surrender and mouths 'sorry'.

I wouldn't be any different than Pete, neither Gerard. But seriously, who would want me?

We share a few side conversations till the bell rings, signifying the end of first block. We say our goodbyes and part ways -as usual. I go to world history and he to math.

"Hey- wait up!" I hear Ray yell, running and knocking a few people over, making his way to mine.

I exult, "Hey Ray!"

"Hey man, where were you this morning?" He starts. "Mikey and I were trying to find you but- nothing."

"Well lucky for me, Axl was keeping me company."

"Oh shit not him again!"

"Yeah...him again"

"That bitch!"

I chuckle, "it's whatever, Mikey called me Axl's 'blowjob slut'."

"And what did you say back?" He asks, an eyebrow raised in curiosity, and a grin pulling at his lips.

"Nothing, just considering it in my head."


"So-rry Ray!"

"Let's just get to class."


We near our class, room 18a. Peering in to find two empty seats, we score both chairs in the back left corner. And each take seats.

"So," I begin as the bell rings, "you've never told me who you fancy."

"Uh- no one."

I send a sarcastic glare, narrowing my eyes with suspicion. He gives in and finally speaks up.


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