3. Can we pretend to leave, and then we'll meet again

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Walking to my second block, world history. I decide to put my headphones in and listen to music. While shuffling through my playlist designated to my favorite songs, I suddenly feel the headphones being ripped out of my ears, causing me to flinch at the sudden act.

Looking around to see who would have possibly done this to the helpless new kid. I spot the jock and his friends I had encountered earlier, behind me. As frustration built up inside me I took a step forward, towards the group of 7 infront of me. Trying to look as intimidating as I could, I had opened my mouth only to find out I couldn't speak. Mouth still agape, one of the 7 spoke up.

"Cat got your tongue?" He sneered, earning a chuckle from the friend group behind him. Accepting my defeat, I look up from the tile on the floor my eyes seemed glued to from embarrassment. I sent a shy glance towards Gerard, hoping he would somehow save me from this situation. Observing the panicky atmosphere that surrounded me, he gave in and decided to help me.

"C'mon guys, let's go." The raven haired boy ushered. I shot a thanks-for-saving-me-from-getting-bullied-from-your-friends look, and stepped back. He curled the end of his lip, forcing a small grin.

"Why, you trying to save your boyfriend? You faggot." The one standing directly infront of me said turning to face the raven haired boy. Gerard and I share a shocked glance.

"I-I....uh" was all he could mutter out. Looking ashamed, the rest of the friend group walked off. Snickering, and sharing small prideful glances back towards Gerard, who they had left behind. With just Gerard and I standing awkwardly alone, I decided to leave the tension filled atmosphere that he and I both shared.

Walking towards my class, I take my crumpled up schedule out of my pocket, making sure I was nearing the correct class. Rushing in, I thankfully score a seat at an empty table in the corner. With everyone shuffling in, I crossed my fingers hoping no one would come to sit beside me, in the vacant chair next to me.

No one wants to sit next to you Frank, you're just a helpless outcast, don't be so full of yourself, Geez. I pondered, as everyone seemed to be passing by, without noticing me. As the last student walked in, he looked around, in hope for a free seat. Eyeing me and the empty chair next to me, he quickly shuffled beside me and took a seat in the ghosted one to my right.

"I'm ray." The curly haired boy next to me whispered leaning into my ear, head still directed towards the teacher. He turned his head to meet my eyes and formed to me a small smile. Grinning back at him, I decided to exchange my name as well, to keep it even.

"I'm Frank," I said, directing my head to look back at the teacher. I felt his brown pair of eyes on me before he decided to speak.

"You're new, right?" He muttered out, hoping his assumption was correct. Agreeing, I saw a grin appear on his face from the corner of my eye.

"Sit with me at lunch?" He said, more of a question than a statement.

"Sure!" I replied. He smiled a big toothy smile, nodding his head eagerly in agreement.


As the bell rang signaling the end of class, Ray and I shared a smile before parting our ways to third block. Making sure, for the millionth time today I was heading to the right class. I pulled my schedule out, briefly scanning it. Nearing my third block, art, I noticed Gerard and I were heading the same way. Secretly hoping we shared our class together, my fantasy was fulfilled.

We both walked into the class, and I wince at the bright lights of the room. I hear a small giggle to my right side, which the raven haired boy was occupying. Turning my head up to meet his eyes. I was surprised as the jock looking down at me, had a wide smile on his face, accompanied with a blush. He looked away, face flushed from embarrassment, taking my hand in his leading us to two empty chairs beside one another. Kinky, I thought to myself.

To the End ((Ferard))Where stories live. Discover now