11. This is how I disappear

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"Unlock this door!" Someone interrupts, causing us to jump.

I frantically grab my boxers and pants, pulling them to my waist. Buckling my belt shortly after.

Gerard opens the door to reveal the principal, Janitor Mark close behind him. "You boys come with me." Mr. Monroe suggests, a hand leading us in his direction.

Gerard and I follow behind, a grin pulling at his lips and a frown pulling my own. I anxiously hold my elbow and bite my bottom lip, overanalyzing the possible punishments for my unknown action.

We hastily enter his office and each take a seat before Mr. Monroe speaks up. "Do you boys know why you're in here?"

The two of us share glances and shrug accordingly.

He removes his glasses, takes a deep breath, and folds his arms. Shooting us a disappointed look, he begins, "We heard from a little bird you guys were up to something. You boys know we have microphones outside the bathrooms, we can hear you?"

I widen my eyes and scoot further back in my seat, hoping to just melt away and never be in this situation again. Meanwhile Gerard excuses a chuckle, soon turning into a stomach gripping laugh.

In a disgusted and embarrassed manner, I slap his arm and mentally ask what his problem was. He quickly shifts in his seat and sits up. Placing his folded hands onto his lap. I smile gently at Mr. Monroe and wait for him to continue.

"Any form of sexual activity on school grounds can result in up to a week of suspension."

And this is my breaking point. This is how I disappear. Seriously Frank!?

"Do you boys agree with my punishment, or would you like to testify?" He appeals.

Gerard sighs, I do as well.

Gerard rolls his eyes and accepts defeat, "Yes, I agree."

"Me as well," I follow.

"Great, it's settled. I will speak to your parents, please grab your belongings and head home."

Oh my god, how embarrassing is this?


"Well at least we get a week off of school?" Gerard suggests, grabbing my hand to hold.

We walk through my house doors, later arriving to my room. "I can't believe you aren't more mad about this."

He sighs, "Frank, why are you so worried? It's just suspension, that means we can do all the shit we want at home. And a week of no school work? Sign me the fuck up!"

I take a deep breath and throw my arms in the air, "Oh fuck it! Let's have a drink."

He chuckles and follows me into the kitchen.

"What do you want? Shots?"

"I'm afraid of needles."

I spin around and laugh, "Seriously, you?! Afraid of needles!? Ha!"

"Oh, come on." He says, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. "Only I can tease you Frankie."

"Shut the hell up man!"

"Ha, who's the defensive one now?"

"And here's your shot." I say, hoping to change the subject.

Gerard makes a toast, "Here's to suspension!"

We clink shot glasses and each takes our own. Wincing at the burning sensation along our throats.

"And now we have fun," I suggest.


"Where the fuck am I?" He says, rubbing his eyes and combing through his hair.

"My living room. You don't remember last night?"

"Now why the hell would I ask if I knew?"

"Whatever, sass queen."

"Aw come on tell me!"

"Fine. We drank, smoked a few, fucked, watched a movie, drank again. Oh and you called someone at 4 am?"

"Sounds norm- wait! What!? Fucked? And I called someone? Who? Tell me who!"

"Calm down, it was just Pete. Or maybe Lyn-Z? Don't remember."


"Ha yup, you were all like 'Yeah, Frank was gasping for air and screaming the Lord's prayer.' Oh and also 'His voice was pure smoke, the kind you only hear in porn videos!' it was crazy."

"Oh my God."

"Yeah, maybe drunk and high Gerard should have his phone taken?"

"Definitely," He agrees, frantically searching for his phone.

"Here," I say, throwing his phone to him, "did you a favor."

"Thanks sugar."

I offer a hand and lead him to the kitchen. Brewing coffee I prepare my favorite breakfast. Corn Flakes.

"What a healthy breakfast." Gerard teases sarcastically, grabbing a mug.

"Just what I was aiming for." I excuse a small chuckle and hand him the pot of freshly brewed coffee.

We kick back on the couch and play a movie. Sipping and enjoying our coffee, eating and enjoying our food.

"Hey Gerard?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Did you really mean what you said to Pete over the phone?"

"Do you want me to mean it?"

I shake my head, tears slowly welling in my eyes, "No."

He smiles reassuringly and takes my hand, "Alright, I don't mean it. It's going to be okay?"

I nod yes and kiss the back of his hand, paying my attention to the movie once more.

Shortly after breakfast, Gerard decides to leave. Check in with his parents. Bring clothes and Mikey back to my place.

"See you in a bit, sugar."

"Bye Gerard, see you." I say, going on my tippy toes to peck him on the lips. We exchange smiles and I close the door behind him. Leaving myself home alone.

"Time to clean this nasty shit, this place is a mess!"


A/N: hello guys! I'm back!! <3

Hope you liked this short update :3 more chapters are in the process, hoping to have them published within a week or two!!!

Leave silly comments! :)

ANYWAYS, lobe you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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