6. The world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me

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"Hey mikes," I said, slipping into the seat next to him, "you good?"

"No, I'm hungover as fuck." he replied, head in hands.

I sigh. "Me too man, me too."

Before I could speak, I got cut off by the blaring bell, signifying the beginning of first block. This class was going to suck shit, Mikey and I both, knew.

Barely paying attention to the teachers lecture, class was over. We both let out a sigh of relief when the bell rang.

Both getting up, we parted ways to second block.

Walking to World History in room 18A, someone jumped onto me, almost asking for a punch-in-the-face. Turning my head, to find out it was only Ray.

"I almost socked you," I said to Ray, honestly and threatening, "you're lucky you're my best friend."

He proceeded to punch me in the arm and run towards our class. I decided why the hell not and ran after him. In attempt to get revenge, I tackled him from behind, causing him to stumble and fall into our classroom.

"BOYS!!" a hot-headed teacher yelled to us, "both of you, detention, after school."

Ray and I share a laugh and shuffle into two vacant seats.

"Wow, detention and it's only your second day," Ray jokingly said, "thats got to be a record."

"Yeah, I wonder why dumbass, if you hadn't jumped on me this wouldn't have happened." I snicker back, rolling my eyes.


Gerard wouldn't stop staring at me in art class. Do I have something on my face?

"You know sugar," Gerard starts to say, "you're really beautiful."

"Oh please Gerard, stop saying that to me. Why don't you understand that I don't want to talk to you, what do you not get?" I reply, deadpan, narrowing my eyes in disgust.

Gerard had a surprised but understanding look on his face. He nodded and sighed in agreement.

"Sorry," He said with his head down, "that I cant stop talking to your little annoying faggot ass." He continued to say, raising his head as he neared the end of his sentence.

Pure shock on my face, I ripped his sketch apart and excused myself from the class. I definitely needed a breather.

Sliding down the bathroom stall, meeting the floor as I took a seat. I pulled the fresh pack of cigarettes from my pocket, along with my skeleton lighter.

I knew I probably shouldn't be smoking in the school bathroom, but I honestly couldn't give a fuck. Taking a drag from the cigarette, I wondered if I had gone too far.

I mean he only called me a faggot, should I really have ripped up his drawing?


Placing the cancerous stick between my lips, I hear my ring tone. Grabbing my phone only to notice Gerard sent a single message.

Gerard: Frank, I'm sorry

Frank: Don't text me again

I honestly didn't know why his words were effecting me. I've been called fag numerous times, but hearing it from Gerard made me kind of sad.

Heading back to class after about 3 cigarettes I spot Mikey in the halls. Leaving, after Pete?

It was probably a coincidence, Mikey just so happened to need to use the restroom as well.


I brushed it off and entered the class. Taking my seat beside Gerard.

"Sorry for flipping out." I whisper to Gerard, hoping he would accept my apology.

"I have to redraw my part of the project now, Frank." He hastily replied, placing a pencil beside his half drawn sketch. He looks to me with a small smile. I noticed his lip was raw, possibly from nibbling on it, but hard enough to draw blood.

"But I cant be mad at someone as pretty as you," he continues, "you need to accept the fact you are, Frank. In my eyes you're perfect, beautiful, complete. The other half to mine?"

I looked up to him. My mouth making an "O" shape and eyes wide. "Gerard, you don't say those kinds of things to some nerdy hoe you just met, aka me."

"I know, I just- I couldn't help it." He says to me, a grin pulling at his lips.

My therapist will be hearing about you!


Ray and I part ways from the class designated to detentions. I decide to go home instead of hanging out with Mikey and Ray. I did feel bad for turning them down but I just really needed a nap.

Nearing home, I spot a car in the driveway. It must be mom! Now running I speed up the driveway and fling the front door open.

"Mom!" I shout, "I missed you!"

"Frankie, honey I missed you too!" She said with open arms. I race to hug her.

"Where were you last night?" she confusedly asked, "I called the house phone, but no answer."

"I was sleeping over at a friend's," I reply, truthfully.

"Ooooooo tell!" She demanded in curiosity, "come sit!"

We both take a seat on the couch and I begin. "Well I met these two guys and-"

"Eek! Are they cute?"

"Mom! Let me finish!"

"Alright, sorry sugar." She says. I wince, recalling the name Gerard has for me.

"Well as I was saying, I met two guys. One is Ray, he's 17, has killer hair, and plays guitar! The other is Mikey, he's 16, we pretty much like the same bands, and he plays bass."

"You whore!" She says, holding a thumbs down.

"Come on Mom!"

"I'm just joking sweetie, but I have got to meet them."

"Mikey actually lives right across the street" I admit pointing out the window, towards his house.

"Tell me more later sweetie, I need to make dinner." She replies. I nod in agreement and head upstairs. Poking my head out my bedroom window to see if Mikey arrived home safely yet. Knowing them they were probably out getting high somewhere.

I take my shoes and socks off, followed by my clothes. And throw on some pajamas. Getting into bed and situating myself in a comfortable position I fall asleep.




im slowly starting to become unmotivated but i try!!!!
i really wanted this to work out but i dont know if im going to keep this story up, still figuring out ideas for the next few chapters so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments!!

let me know how i can improve!! :3

ANYWAYS, lobe you guys


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