Dreams of a Wounded Bird Part 4

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Octavia opened her eyes. She was sitting on a throne. It was a throne made of black, shiny rock. Obsidian. Before her was a line of dirt. Thousands of skeletons rigid, unmoving, on their knees, were lined up on both sides of this dirt pathway to her throne. They all held out their hands. They reached out to her. They were begging her to do something. Octavia stood up. She heard their pleas. She walked forward along the path. She held out her hands as she walked past them. Each time their fingers touched hers, she became sadder and sadder. All the emotion of these bones frozen in time was absorbed into her. She felt all of it. And behind her the bones turned to dust. Around this line of the dead was nothing more than scorched earth. Just more dirt with nothing living planted within it. The horizon bore nothing but more dead soil. Something told her that nothing but more death lay beyond it. She passed by more skeletons without really noticing. Her mind was busy. She became more and more anguished as she walked. Each step became harder to perform, but she carried on. She closed her eyes. The continued sensation of bone against her fingers ensured she still knew what was happening. It pained her so to go on. But then the feeling stopped. She opened her eyes. There was a large pond full of black liquid that was not there before. She looked back. There was only bone dust along the path. Her throne remained empty and cold. There was nothing to see in this direction. She looked ahead of her again, but this time, her father stood there in front of the pond. He smiled at her, as if the world around them was unknown to him.

Stolas: You've come far. You've seen a lot. I'm sure this place scares you. Luckily, it isn't for you. This is where your journey stops.

Stolas knelt down. 

Stolas: Please, Octavia, wake up.

Octavia: Why?

Stolas: The truth is worse.

Octavia: What?

???: The truth is worse! 

In an instant, Octavia was surrounded by faceless, black, humanoid creatures. They all grabbed ahold of her. Stolas remained calm. Octavia, however, was deathly afraid. The creatures all chanted the same words over and over again.

Beings: The truth is worse! The truth is worse!

Many more continued to pile into the horrifying group hug. Octavia could barely breathe. She managed to wiggle an arm free. She raised it into the air, for some reason hoping she could grab hold of something and pull herself free. Strangely enough, there was something. Or rather, someone. She felt another set of talons take hers in a firm grip.

Stolas: It's alright, Via. Wake up. It's not real.

Octavia woke up. She was back in her hospital bed. There were fewer lights on, a lamp and the lights on some medical equipment illuminated the room, as well as Stolas' eyes. He looked at Octavia with concern. He still held her hand tightly.

Octavia: Dad?

Stolas: It's over.

Octavia: The dream I had... 

Stolas: I won't ask you about it. I can tell you saw what you needed to see. I feel it.

Only now did it occur to Octavia that her mother was missing.

Octavia: Where's mum?

Stolas: She went back home. Don't worry, she'll be back. You're set to get back home in the morning.

Octavia: The morning? I... I don't know if I want to go back to sleep.

Stolas: You won't dream the same things. Your mind did it's deep thinking for tonight.

Octavia: You promise?

Stolas: Absolutely. I promise.

Octavia relaxed. She kept her eyes open for a time and looked at the ceiling. Eventually she dozed off. 

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