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Stolas sat quietly in one of the sitting rooms reading an unlabelled book and occasionally scribbling notes on a notepad on the side table next to his chair. The sound of approaching angry footsteps broke his focus. Sure enough, Stella entered the room. She stood in the entryway with her arms crossed and an unhappy look on her face. The two stared at each other for a moment.

Stella: We need to talk.

Stolas returned to reading and taking notes.

Stolas: About what exactly?

Stella: You may need to terrorize people to find a backbone and get your point across, but I don't.

Stolas: I thought I made myself rather clear last week. You don't get to throw my daughter under the bus.

Stella scowled.

Stella: Our daughter.

Stolas: Just saying that is the closest you've come to being a mother in years.

Stella stomped her foot.

Stella: Would you just shut up and listen!

Stolas sighed.

Stolas: Alright then.

Stella slowly and cautiously entered the room, seemingly afraid of Stolas erupting again. Then she sat in a chair opposite him.

Stella: You were right about something. It was wrong to try to shift blame to Octavia to cover my own ass. So I admit it. I tried to have you killed. I do want you dead. I... I still do. You're an unfaithful cretin. Your affair is making a mockery of our name. I've had to take so much shit from other nobles. They laugh at us. They think we're weak. And it's all your fault!

Stolas: I'm quite aware of how the others view me. And I know they don't look favorably on you either because of me. And I am sorry about that.

Stella: Then why the fuck do you not stop!?

Stolas finally closed the book and put it down on his lap.

Stolas: I don't know. I just don't know.

Stella: Well I know exactly what your little affair's done for me. It's made my life miserable! You called me selfish and a brat! But you're no better! So yes, I've committed treason! I still am! I hope you drop dead! I'll see you erased even if I have to go down with you!

Stolas: And that's the problem.

Stella: Oh come the fuck on, Stolas! You can't talk your way out of this! You're a scumbag and always will be!

Stolas: Yes. Yes I am. I'm a terrible person. But I still try to do what's right.

Stella: You've made a laughing stock out of me! How is that right!?

Stolas: It's not. It's very very wrong. I never wanted to hurt you or Octavia.

Stella: Octavia? How did you hurt her? She loves you! You're like a magnet for her!

Stolas: This is exactly what I was talking about.

He stared blankly as Stella.

Stolas: Have you ever once wondered how what I've done affects Octavia? Have you ever once worried about her? Have you even talked to her this year? Or for the past five for that matter? My problem with you isn't your concern for your own sanity and wellbeing, but your lack of such for her's. You hate me more than you love her. Like you said, you would do anything to see me dead, even if you die as well. But what about Octavia? Where does she fit in your plan?

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