The First to Falter

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Dearest Father, 

I write this message to inform you of my full and unquestionable resignation from your legion. Though in past I gladly obeyed your orders, as of yesterday I have come across an enemy I cannot hope to defeat. Thy enemy is thyself. The day of this latest operation, I stepped forward onto that field which is not but for the living of the imp kind, and, as it seems, the death of the imp kind. I was ready to commence the march as was your order, yet I found myself unable to proceed. I looketh upon the sprawling land before me, and while arguably beautiful, 'twas undeniably empty. Where before I had seen many a village inhabited by the lowborn, that day I saw nothing. In the distance lies a small village, yes. But so miniscule is it that one would not be judged for being unable to perceive it. 

Another throng of emotion came over me then as I have come to understand that the land lies not empty. For I hear lowborns aplenty as the echoing cries of hundreds, nay, thousands assault my ears and greater senses. This revealed to me that no amount of war shall conclude these lesser spirits' lift into minor intellect. Nor their immense loathing of us for our intent to keep them in this state which we desire. For no matter how many we slay, their blood shall soak into this land, and it shall be this land that continues to hate and disobey us so. So speaketh this land to me. 

I must refuse to carry out your will. Henceforth, I shall ne'er take a stance upon this accursed ground ever again. I beseech you to find another more able in mind and body as to ignore this truth, should you indeed retain this need of subjugation. 

To close, long live his magne majesty. His wisdom is unquestionable, and may it serve to receive my message, perhaps more so than yours. Kingsson Opar, son of his majesty,

King-Earl Vinea of the Ars Goetia

Opar, for his crime of desertion, was imprisoned in the Circle of Treachery in the Ring of Sloth. His stance would prove interesting to King Lucifer, who would later order an end to the Imp Wars and bring about reform to the relationship between highborn and lowborn. He would also end Opar's imprisonment early after just two years. This letter would be intercepted and copied through unknown means. One copy would reach his Goetic uncle, Prince Stolas, who, after being begged by Prince Vassago to seek an alternative to the Imp Wars, and seeing some of his brethren do so, would also refuse to continue fighting. Seeing the futility of the Imp Wars himself.

Millennia later, Stolas would take further inspiration from Opar's letter. Choosing not to direct his daughter's life as was expected of royalty, even against the objections of his wife, Princess Stella. 

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