A Little Bird, Caim, Knocking

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It had been a little over an hour since Stolas' meeting with the other Goetias had ended. There was still no word from any of them. It was fair to say the Goetias and the IMPs felt a bit trapped. Cabin fever was setting in, even if it hadn't been that long since Stolas had brought his family through the door. A sign in their door's window read "Closed. Piss off." All the phones sat off the receivers. The business had gone dark. Stolas had placed wards all around the office and on everyone within. When his work was done, he had handed the grimoire off to Octavia who now sat with Loona. The two were making progress in an impromptu runic lesson. Stolas did not get involved. He put his focus on readying himself for any intrusions. He performed meditative stretches and occasionally reached his senses out to check for danger. Moxxie busied himself by cleaning all the firearms in IMP's arsenal. When he was done with that, he took a few of them apart and put them together again as fast as he could.

Millie, not as entranced with the art of gun-nerdity, chose instead to ball up pieces of paper and try to throw them into a waste basket from varying distances.

Blitzo was fast asleep. Gun in one hand and a bag of shredded cheese in the other.

This uneasy peace would be broken when all of a sudden Stella shot up from the couch breathing heavily. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing. Blitzo also jumped awake, sending shredded cheese everywhere. He dropped to the floor on his hands and knees and shoveled the stray cheddar into his mouth as quickly as possible.

Stella: Where am I!? What happened!? What... 

Stella looked around the room. When she saw Blitzo, she jumped up from the couch and balled her fists. 

Stella: What is he doing here!? 

Blitzo: I work here, bitch! Geez!

Stella: How dare you speak to me like that!? 

Stolas stood between his wife and Blitzo. 

Stolas: Stella! Please! Calm down! 

Stella: Oh no! I'm not listening to a single word you have to say, you bastard! For fuck sake! How do I know that assassination attempt wasn't this lot's doing!

Octavia jumped to her feet.

Octavia: Mum! Seriously! Stop! 

Stella turned around suddenly. Loona stood up in front of Octavia, but didn't expect the look of panic on Stella's face. She sharply turned her head away. She was silent. She dared not turn around to face her daughter. 

Octavia: These guys are fine. They're keeping us safe.

Stella still didn't speak. Octavia patted Loona on the shoulder, who sat back down.

Octavia: They're not with the ones who tried to kill us. Sit down. We're okay.

Stella: R- right. Safe.

Stella looked down at the floor and sat down on the couch. She looked defeated, but also uncomfortable. Probably from being around so many lowborn demons. 

Blitzo: Yeah, that's wha- ! 

Stolas and Octavia stared Blitzo down irritatedly.

Blitzo: I mean... Weather, right?

Everyone went back to what they were doing before. Blitzo sat back in his chair. Stella remained seated, staring at nothing, lost in thought. Octavia sat down next to Loona once more.

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