False Ignorance

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The House of Stolas sat in a semicircle at the end of the long dining table. Octavia, of course, at the head, as Stolas insisted she do. Stolas was in an unusually good mood, and seemingly a more happily ignorant one. He did not hesitate to speak out his mind as soon as everyone was sitting at the table.

Stolas: I swear, violence is ever growing in the city. Why just the other day I nearly walked right into a gunfight. And the day before that two imps were run over by a steamroller!

Stella angrily tapped her fingers on the dining table.

Octavia: Are you sure you should be walking around town? You're a pretty big target, and that cowboy guy is still out there somewhere.

Stolas: Oh, but I can't stop! There's so much to see! I've found so many neat little shops and attractions! Why, I didn't even know until a week ago that there's a bowling alley on Baphomet Avenue! Oh, and the store next door! It's a quaint little shop that sells, what do you call them? Via, what are those things called? The discs that look like much smaller records?

Stella clenched her fists.

Octavia: CDs?

Stolas: CDs! That's it! Though I find it odd that they're selling those. I was under the impression they were out of date.

Octavia: Some people just can't appreciate the classics.

Stolas chuckled 

Stolas: My thoughts exactly, my little owlet! Some people just can't appreciate what they have. They've always got to have something better, even if it's just to show off.

Stella clenched her fists harder.

Stolas: Oh I remember how you loved listening to some of my old records when you were young! But a few of them are starting to wear out. I wonder if any of those songs are on those, uh, CDs. Oh. That reminds me. I was looking in through said shop's window when a piano came crashing down from above! Luckily I stepped out of the way at the last moment. That poor imp running the store doesn't need a dead Goetia on his hands. Though of course, I would've gotten over that death. Pianos aren't exactly the exorcist weapon of choice.

Stella grit her teeth.

Stolas: Actually, I recall now that I was almost hit by a falling piano another time as well! Where did that happen? I can't remember. Oh well, it's in the past. It was an honest mistake.

Octavia: Seriously, Dad, don't you think you might be safer not out in the open?

Stolas: I know. I know. A lot of dangerous things have been going on recently, but I'm fine! I've never felt better! As big and luxurious as this palace is, it's nice to go out and enjoy the simple things. Life isn't all tea parties and fancy balls, you know.

Stella slammed her fists down on the table.

Stolas looked at her startled.

Stolas: Why, is something wrong?

Stella: Yes. Actually. There is. And I'm going to deal with it. I'll be back.

Stella stormed out of the dining room, just as Stolas had planned.

Octavia: Well there goes that moment.

Octavia put her earbuds in and turned on some music.

Stolas: I'll be right back as well.

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