Returning Home Anew

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The family limousine pulled up in front of the stairway to the palace. From it emerged Stolas followed close behind by Octavia. Stolas held his daughter's arm, aiding her exit from the vehicle. She grasped at her lower chest. Though her wound had healed, the area where she had been shot was still quite sore.

Stella exited the limo from the other side and briskly stepped around it to the side of her daughter. She placed her hand on Octavia's shoulder, speaking not a single word, but saying a thousand. The trio carefully made their way up the stairs one step at a time.

Two royal guards stood at attention at the top of the steps. They opened the double doors to the palace and held them open for the three birds. The two guards spoke encouragement as they walked inside.

Guard 1: Welcome back, your majesties.

Guard 2: I wish you well, young princess.

Octavia: Thanks. 

 Inside, two lines made of staff and guards stood in good posture either side of the main stairway leading up out of the lobby. One imp in guard garb walked down the steps at the sight of the royals. He kneeled as they approached.

Stolas: Do I know you? 

Imp Guard: Sergeant Drace. His Majesty Prince Vassago sent me as a liaison of sorts.

Stolas sighed 

Stolas: Vassago... We don't need more guards. We need time alone as a family.

Drace: His majesty insisted. I apologize.

Stolas mumbled something to himself.

Drace: I'll see you up to-

Stolas: We don't need any help.

Octavia: Dad, Uncle Vass is, like, the most wholesome guy in the family. We can trust this guy.

Drace: I... th-thank you, princess.

Stolas: Right. I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now. But really, we're fine.

Drace: Right then. Well, your sitting room is ready for you, just as you asked.

Stolas kept Octavia close and supported as they walked up the stairs. Stella followed close behind, she kept her head down and her hands crossed in front of her.

In the main sitting room, the fireplace roared with comforting heat and calming crackling. The furniture had been rearranged. A large, felt covered chair was sitting between the couch on its left and another chair on its right.

Instinctively, Octavia stepped forward to the chair, but immediately stopped and groaned as her chest cramped up. She nearly tripped, but an arm reached out across her stomach and stopped her. She expected her father's arm, but when she looked down, it was her mother's. She looked to her left. Her mother looked at her with a face she couldn't recall if she'd seen before. She looked concerned. Stella stood there for a moment, then reeled her arm in and stepped back. She lowered her head, breaking eye contact. Stella hadn't said a word since Octavia first saw her sitting next to her in the hospital. She hadn't said anything during the ride back home. Not a word. Octavia was the one who'd been shot, but she thought that maybe her mother had been wounded the worst from the incident.

Octavia carefully stepped to the chair. She slowly set herself down in it. A quick pain was coupled with a flash of her in the stone throne from her dream. She still didn't understand most of what she had seen. She then remembered what was currently going on between her mother and father. It was probably the worst time to be reminded.

Stolas and Stella looked at each other for a moment. They didn't say anything, but they spoke a thousand words. Stella broke first. She marched to the chair to Octavia's right and slammed herself down into it.

Stolas flicked his wrist, and the remote for the tv above the fireplace flew into his hand. He pressed the power button. The screen flashed on. It was tuned to 666 News. A spindly sinner woman and another, short, masked man were sarcastically describing what must've been the biggest scoop at the time. Octavia's injury. The sheer depravity of their descriptions was nauseating. Stolas turned off the TV almost immediately. 

Stolas: I'm having a talk with that bastard overlord about that later.

Octavia: Ugh. The media's all over this? How much do they know? 

Stolas: It'd better be next to nothing if they know what's good for them.

Stolas tossed the remote aside onto the floor.

Stolas: I think TV's out of the question for now. Oh, that reminds me.

Stolas reached into his pocket. He pulled out Octavia's music player. The earbuds were miraculously untangled.

Octavia: Hell yeah. Pass it here. 

He tossed it to her. The item slowed in mid-flight until it froze still in the air. Octavia took it and put in her ear buds.

Stolas: I have something to attend to, but... 

Stolas walked to the door on the other side of the room. He stopped next to Octavia. He rubbed her head affectionately.

Stolas: I'll be back.

Stella: You'd better be.

Both Stolas and Octavia looked at her in surprise. Octavia turned her head back away, trying in vain to seem like she hadn't noticed her mother speak after so long.

Stolas looked Stella in the eye. She still had a look of sorrow, but also a hint of the displeasure she had at being in Stolas' presence. Her eyes said it all. She still hated him, but she would do nothing about it. Not now. Stolas smiled slightly. He patted Octavia's shoulder and went on his way. 

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