Part 15

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I look into his eyes.

“Talk to me, Fleur.” His words always soothed me but not today. I look down to my French toast that I ordered; my appetite is gone. "Am I right? Just tell me that.”

I reach my hand up to my mouth and bite my nail. His previous words haunt me:

“Is Thomas the guy you were telling me about? Is he the guy you're seeing that's married?"

I slowly nod my head. I hear him let out a sigh.

"Jesus, Fleur..." I look up to him and he's running his fingers through his hair. “He went with you to your family, didn't he?" I nod my head again. "I knew it... Gosh, why didn't I see this before? Tell me, honestly, is he the reason you stopped talking to me?"

"Yes." I try to remain as calm as possible. I look around and notice that there aren't many people in this restaurant, which is odd for a Sunday morning.

“How did this happen?” He sounds bewildered. I look back at him.

"I don't know... It just... did." shrug my shoulders. I feel like I could honestly throw up. He's the last person I wanted to share this information with.

“And you're still... seeing him?" He honestly sounds disgusted and it only makes me feel worse.

“I guess... I honestly don't know what this is; I couldn't tell you what this is.”

“So, you had sex with him?" My god, he's forward. I scoff.

"That's none of your damn business... Why does that even matter?" He doesn't answer; he just stares at me from across the booth. "What am I even doing here, Giel? What's the point? So you could call me out? Well you did! Congratu fucking lations!" I throw my hands up.

“No, Fleur..." He leans forward and sets his elbows on the table. " I honestly just want you back in my life.” Somehow among all my anger, I feel warmth in my heart from his words. "Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?" He tilts his head. "It's a constant feeling that bothers me everyday. You're my pal... You're

my Fleurtje..." He lets out a chuckle. "And I thought about everything that happened... I began to think about why you stopped talking to me. Then I started to wonder about what was going on in your life... Then I started to think about when you told me about the married guy. You said it was really bothering you and so I figured that's probably the main reason we stopped talking... Then Thomas told me he was going to Germany to do a few videos, which was random as hell, and then... I don't really know. It all clicked." I watch his mouth as he speaks. "Is it safe to assume that as long as you two are... you know..." He makes some random gesture with his hands. "That we won't be friends?"

"Yeah..." I shake my head. "I'm so sorry... I miss you so much..." I bite my lip and try not to let the tears fall.

“Did he make you do this? Did he make you end this between us?" He reaches across the table and grabs my hand that's resting by my cup of tea. His warmth is exactly what I need right now.

"Yes... "Why?"

"I don't know..." That's a lie. I do know, I just don't want to tell Giel. He doesn't know that side of Thomas. "Please don't hate me..." I mumble.

“Hate you? Fleur, come on. Be serious.” I look up at him. “I could never hate you. Ever. Yes, I am a little shocked but I think that's only normal for this type of situation..." I nod my head. “You know I'm always here for you, right?"

“I know...”

“Okay... Is there anything I can do?" I feel him squeeze my hand and I'm forced to look up into his eyes.

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