Chapter IV ~Rumors and grandfather is home

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!! Please read in font Baskerville at the smallest size it can go!! If your on computer it's okay
Cussing, Blood mention, Assault attempt mentioned, MPREG, Boy x boy, Child abuse, suicide, Child death

Novel = thoughts
"Novel" =speaking
'Novel' = Whisper
Novel =System
"NOVEL" = Yell
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦ = change of scenery
{Novel} =Author Note

|Rumors and Grandfather is Home
so many rumors began to stir when it was learned that the town lunatic's family had kicked him or that is what he told them.

'Did you hear?'
The murmurs of the people seem to never stop since the news

'Of course, I heard!'
Another whisper out

'Who would have known the Dai family was so greedy'

'I feel bad for the poor Lunatic, I heard he was kicked after being beaten half to death' another murmured in the ear of another who just gasped in shock.

"Oh, that poor thing, no wonder he lost his mind."
a young woman said to the other her eyes filled with dread at the thought of being beaten so badly you could've gone crazy.

"I heard the Town beauty, Dai Zhilan tried killing his babies out of jealousy" A few women and Ge'ers gasped in shock at this news, who in God's name would do something so cruel.

"I heard she couldn't get pregnant and wanted young master Zeng to suffer" She was interrupted by another voice "But isn't it said if a Ge'er loses a baby they could die?!" A young woman gasped out with horror in her eyes, this rumor was commonly known as it happened to a few people.

"Yes, she must have been trying to kill him!" The realization hit one of them quickly, if Dai Zhilan wanted to kill his babies it would have led Young Master Zeng to his death.

"I wouldn't be surprised she hates anyone more beautiful than herself." A voice near them scoffed out making the woman all turn her way.

"Why do you say that?"

"the rumors of the lunatic being ugly are false, he looks like a painting, painted by gods themselves," She said out loud proudly as if she were the lunatic's best friend.

"Really?!" A woman said out loud it was commonly said that the lunatic was ugly and that was why he wasn't allowed outside.

"Yes, his hair is that of silver, smooth and shiny, his skin is a beautiful white that It reminds people of white jade!!" Another girl said out loud nearing the end her hands at her cheek as she remembered the day she saw the lunatic that glowed underneath the morning glow of the sun.

"He sounds like a beauty!"

"He is but it's a shame he refuses to let anyone near him, I would love to see him up close in person" another girl groaned out in disappointment as she didn't get the chance to see the beauty of the lunatic.

"Why not?" A Ge'er called out confused, they acted as if that was the only opportunity to see him. "Oh, you don't know" Some of them shook their head no confused as to what she was talking about.

"His fathers step-brother tried to get him assault by other people, so he refuses to let anyone near him." A loud gasp of horror lingered in the air at the news, this was even worse than they had thought it was just physical and mental abuse, but his step-uncle was trying to sexually abuse him.

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