Chapter VI~A Pitiful Child and new house

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Cursing, Mpreg, Brothel woman, dog biting mentioned, Death threats.

Novel = thoughts
"Novel" =speaking
'Novel' = Whisper
Novel =System
"NOVEL" = Yell
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦ = change of scenery
{Novel} =Author Note

|A Pitiful Child and New House
A small beggar child sat near a wall corner in between two stalls selling their goods, a young man passing by looked at both of the shops before looking at the beggar child and tossed him a gold coin into his lap before walking away. The beggar child took the gold coin into his small sack only filled with a few bright yellow coins and occasional sliver coins.

The two men at the stall looked at the child in disgust, The child's presence seemed to stop the sells as the people end up giving their money to the child before leaving, most try and ignore the child but fail and give him little money in pity.

It was very common, as it feels wrong buying something expense infront of a beggar child, you just feel pity towards him.

'Stupid child go somewhere else'
One of the men whispered under his breath glaring down at the young boy. He ignored him like he always did. It was just another day living in ZhongBei, stall owners with trinkets, treasures, clothes, and food trying to scam an unsuspecting customer and get a profit from their purchase, while beggars wander the streets trying to find a job or somewhere to sleep, collecting scraps to eat and take care of themselves, people dressed in fine hanfu's and clothes buying and yelling at stall owners, woman gossiping about the lastest gossip, men flirting with young women and trying to deflower them.

RuoLan was the name of the beggar child, that the only thing he knows of himself is his name everything else is just a burned file, his family perished in a house fire and he was the sole survivor of that fire. Now he wanders the streets trying to survive like many others.

He heard the sellers near trying to sell their 'priceless' product and the occasional yelling from an angry man yelling at either a begger or getting ripped off.

The small child stood up and made his way else were, a fancy carriage pulled up near by as a man dressed in wealthy clothes exited the carriage being pulled by two black horses, Most men usally dress in their most expense robes to get woman's and Ge'ers attention as the more weather you look, the more likely you'll get yourself a woman with goodlooks and high power as well, that all most woman and ge'ers were interested in, someone who can spoil and provid for them.

As RuoLan passed by the man making sure to leave as much distance between them he was pushed by a crowed of ge'ers and woman tring to get to the man. He tripped pulling on the man's clothes on accident, staining the lashive robes with a bit of dirt.

✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦

Zeng Yaozu walked throught the market looking for small trinkets to buy for his babies. A vendors near him tried getting him to come to their stalls to buy their items, He would have scoffed at them but currently he was acting as the pitiful lunatic that was hurt severely as the rumors of him being abused by his family were wanderng the streets.

He could feels so many peoples eyes on him despite him just walk, I gues have good look is annoying, he couldn't make a single mistake in his act of a nervous lunatic as venders swarmed him, trying to get him to by something from their shop.

"Little Ge'er come to my shop we have priceless rouge that are only in stock one every month!"

"No, come to my shop we have lovely silk hanfu's that would complement your appearance beautifully!"

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