The Nice Night

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Seonghwa's View

I laced up my shoes then sighed. "Maybe seeing if Intestine Guy's cafe is open" "If you're trying to sneak out you've gotta be quiet about it" I turned around both of my brothers stood their jackets on them. "I wasn't and why would I sneak out we're old enough and also Mom and Dad are only just looking from The Afterlife Of Good they can only smile since three of us are together" "What are you kids doing here you should be alseep" "Our little brother is facing something or he's got a lot on his mind either way we didn't wanna leave him alone" "Life is easier now that the three of us live otagther" "True" "Mom and Dad are smiling at us" "Do we even know where they were buried?" "I know where Dad is buried" I say "Mom is buried here" "Have you seen it?" "Yeah I can show you guys after school" "Means we can place our own protection barrier around it" "Yeah so that way when Sangyio Esuita arrives Mom can peacefully roam our world knowing her grave is safe" I looked up at the stars and sighed "I miss them" "Yeah we didn't really get a chance to be a family" "At least the three of us are together now" "Yeah" The clock strikes midnight which means in about five and half hours we would be waken up by a morning alarm that would be heard 3 times I say three times because the three of us each have an alarm for 6 am. We waved goodbye to Intestine Guy and the later night workers of the cafe. "Thank you guys" "Why are you thanking us?" "For being with me even though I haven'ts said anything I guess thank you for letting me do this" "You looked like you needed to be away from the house" Axel says "God or not you're our little brother we're suppose to proeact you Benji" "And I hope you know that we won't ever stop doing it either" Kyle says "God or not you're not too old to have your siblings be your sword and shield"

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