So A Shrine Part 1

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Amila's View

Tatung and I walked into the classroom everyone said hi I looked around. "They're not here yet" I say "Things will be okay" King was sitting on her couch her eyes were closed "The three of them live otagther now" "How do you know I was talking about Benji,Kyle,and Axel?" "Just had a feeling" King says smiling Now I was worried it was now our third period and no sign of them. "Now I'm..." "Wang Chaun" He walked towards our teacher and hands her a note. "You shouldn't be here" Our teacher says "You should be with him" "I would've but our older brother said he doesn't see himself leaving the hospital" "Oh okay" Wang Chaun walks to his desk places his bag down and grabs out his language notebook and pencil case. It was now lunchtime Wang Chaun walked out of the room. "He shouldn't be alone" Zhan says "But since you guys have a bigger bond with him I say you should go" King,Tatung,Hua Ling and I followed after Wang Chaun but paused. "Kyle?!" Shuang sits beside Wang Chaun and sighs "We never made Benji a shrine" Shaung says "If we did he would've been healing here" "What?!" "Apprenlty our little brother did more than just save people" Shuang says "And since the only shrine is in The Garisyan Unvrise his body vanished before my eyes" 

"So what happens now" "I don't know Kyle but all I know is that if you and I didn't reach him in time I think a part of both world would've been destroyed" "I thought Benji was a..." "He's a junior god to the other gods but to our world and The Garisysan Unvrise Seonghwa is a full god and should it dissaper a part of each world wou've died with him" Shuang says "For now all you and I or anyone that knows Seonghwa will just have to hope he can heal from the wounds he had and that he returns safely back to us" "I see" "Can you help me make a shrine" "Of course I can but why did you ask?" "Becuase I know you've only used your powers to proact your friends" "Kyle this is our little brother we're talking about you know I won't hesitate" "I should've known that" "Wait if this is Benji's shrine then what would it need? Does have to be linked to his shrine in The Garisyan Unvrise?" "Creak I should've asked him that instead" "What did you ask him?" "You're probably going to think it's funny" "Kyle" "I asked him will we see you again and he told me that he wanted anyone he knows and loves to don't forget about him" "Oh gosh" "Benji must've told you that because he couldn't promise if would be back or not" I say "Yeah that could be the reason right there"

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