pierced (nya & kai)

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"You're piercing me
This self will bleed
You're killing all
Of my securities"

tw: impalement, blood

requested by: anonymous

[ takes place during the ice chapter, s11 ]


  Nya kicked a pile of snow. She felt completely useless to the team ever since they arrived in the Never Realm. Her powers were ineffective in this cold weather. This was Zane's sort of thing.
    The friend that she was supposed to help save, but now she's just sitting around while Lloyd goes out and does the real work. No one needs her.

   A part of Nya also feels bad for her brother, but he can handle things way better than her. His powers are already back, but here she can't even hope.
  "Hey sis, how you' doing?" Kai asked, his voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

Speak of the devil.

Nya looked up and smiled at Kai. "I'm doing fine," she replied, despite not even feeling okay.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to change the subject.
   Kai just shrugged as he said, "Just making my rounds. Haven't seen you lately so I decided to check if everything is alright."

"Everything's fine," she replied quickly.

   Kai looked carefully at Nya again.
Something was not right with her, he noticed. She looked sad, as if she didn't want to be around him.
"Is something wrong?" Kai asked her.

  Nya shook her head no at first, but soon enough she couldn't keep her emotions hidden anymore. Her face twisted into sadness.
   He took a step closer to her and asked again, "Are you sure you are alright?"

"I'm fine— I'm just feeling a bit useless right now."

   "Well you're not," Kai said, trying to reassuring her.
"I know you aren't exactly enjoying the snow and ice, but still..."
   He smiled reassuringly at her, hoping it would brighten her mood.

Nya leaned on him, closing her eyes as she began to relax. Kai's presence always made her feel safe and comforted. She just wished he knew how much she cared about him.

"Dragon!" One of the villagers yelled in fear. Nya and Kai looked at each other, then tried to duck for cover. He watched in horror as one of the large icicles flew towards Nya and impaled her right in the stomach.
He ran over to her, his eyes wide with fear as he pulled her into his arms and started running as fast as he could.

   Kai's heart ached as he watched her body grow weak.
He whispered comforting words to her. He knew she needed strength to survive.
  "I know you're in pain Nya but you need to hold on," He said, his voice gentle and compassionate.

"I'm here for you," He added, his voice soft, and m eyes filled with concern as he looked at her.

  Kai kept applying pressure to the wound as he heard footsteps coming towards them.
He realized it was the villagers coming to help, and with relief he screamed out to them.
"We need help, she's losing too much blood," Kai called out, his voice cracking as he saw Nya go unconscious.

   The village medic carefully removed the icicle from Nya's body, taking care not to further damage her wound, before treating it with herbs and bandages.
Kai watched on with intense concern as the villagers worked quickly to tend to her, his eyes never blinking as he watched every move they made.
Nya's breathing was still shallow, but eventually, she responded with weak breaths, letting her brother know that she was conscious and still fighting.
"We only can do this much, due to the weather,"the medic said just under a whisper.

  Kai nods in response as he carried her tenderly into the tent.

As soon as Jay and Cole see Nya injured, they stop dead in their tracks.

   They look worried and scared as they come rushing to her side.
Jay looked at Nya with deep concern. "Nya! What happened?"

"She got injured in the attack, but she's okay for now. Are all the other villagers unharmed?"

  Cole shook his head. "A few were frozen. There's nothing we can do from here. We just have to trust Lloyd will pull through."

Kai looked down at his sister. "Yeah, let's hope."

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