19 - Lilies

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Jungkook wakes up with not so light taps on his leg shaking him up. Stretching with his eyes still closed, he reaches for the hand that hits him and pulls it to his chest, feeling the other collide against his body, "damn Tae, good morning to you too".

"Did you guys fuck?"

But that's not Taehyung's voice. Opening his eyes quickly he shoves away the unknown man above him, "who the hell are y—", suddenly recognizing the guy: Jin.

"Yes or no? Why are you shirtless in his bed?"

"Back off, not your business, weirdo".

"Yes it is, you're naked in my brother's bed, what do you want from him?", Jin's neck and ears were on fire as he peppered the younger with questions. "Fucking answer me, he'll be here shortly!"

Jungkook, still dazed from being woken up so abruptly, gets up and ignores the man, grabbing the first shirt he sees and locking himself in the bathroom.

"I'll be here all day, tattooed boy! You can't run away from me", now he shouts, forgetting that Taehyung is right in the next room attending his classes on his computer.

A flustered Taehyung arrives to control the chaos. Dragging a talkative Seokjin to the office while scolding him, throwing on him a pile of paperwork and then rescuing a scared Jungkook afraid of being beaten by the older one.

"I'm so sorry, Kook! I apologize on Jin's behalf, he's just super protective and noisy, but he wouldn't hurt an insect," Jungkook steps out of the bathroom with the biggest eyes in the world, making sure Jin isn't lurking around the room.

"I'm finishing my classes, get ready and we're going for a ride, okay?" Taehyung caresses the photographer's face who nods in agreement.

After getting dressed, Jungkook left the room and while heading to the living room, he passed by the guest room and heard Taehyung's voice. He peeked his eyes through the small crack in the door and saw the older concentrated on his laptop, surrounded by his notebooks that Jungkook brought him yesterday. On the screen the teacher is lecturing what seemed to be history and asking questions, sharing the screen with a few students, and Taehyung was an active participant, answering questions and when there was confirmation that his answer was correct, he opened a big, beautiful smile. Jungkook feels mesmerized.

Probably feeling the photographer's stare, Taehyung turns his gaze to the door and sees the boy peeking. His smile gets bigger, but he looks disconcerted, putting his hand on his nape scratching it. He mouthed  that it will end in five minutes and Jungkook nods, closing the door and feeling guilty for invading the older's privacy.

Once in the living room, he sits down and opens his friends' group chat and soon regrets it. Jimin made stickers of Taehyung with photos stolen from Jin's Instagram (Jimin is a creep stalker) and now all of his friends use them to tease Jungkook. But he saved all the stickers.

"Ready? Of course you are, you look so good. All female eyes in the city will be on the handsome tattooed boy today," Jungkook quickly turns off his phone screen as Taehyung approaches him and reaches out to lift him up.

"Too bad I like coc... boys".

Taehyung's smile diminished when he heard the plural, but he disguises himself, after all, Jungkook isn't his and he knows.

"Is everything going ok with your classes?", now Taehyung felt embarrassed remembering that Jungkook most likely already knows why he attends classes. It doesn't make sense for him to want the boy so much for himself when the ravenette is a complete package and deserves someone much better. "Everything great, shall we go?"

And the boy headed to the door, Jungkook knows it's a delicate subject, he shouldn't have asked about it. And he followed him to the his truck.

"I don't have a trendy club or a fancy restaurant to take you to, so settle for Eumseong's fair market", in the car Taehyung already seemed to be in his usual good mood and Jungkook feels relieved, "sounds terrible, let's do it ". Taehyung squeezed his knee, making him bend over from the tickle.

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