32 - Aaron *

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I've learned a lot about myself since Sloane returned to my life. Things I thought could never be possible.

I thought I'd never be worthy enough to have a girlfriend after what Sloane did to me back when we were kids, let alone one I'd want to remain in my life forever. And who would've thought that woman would be Sloane? The girl I wanted to despise until the end of time.

I learned being involved in a relationship isn't so bad, that I needed a woman in my life, and what I wanted from it—someone to help me better understand myself.

I learned that I enjoyed being with one woman, satisfying her only, learning her likes and dislikes, and making her feel good—body, mind, and soul. I'm also thrilled every time I bring a smile to her face.

I learned what makes me happy and what doesn't.

I learned I wanted to protect and treat a woman respectfully and kindly.

Having Sloane by my side taught me I enjoy being selfless. She taught me patience and to be more understanding. She also taught me to be my best self. The one thing I noticed about that is that I strive for it.

Sloane taught me that relationships are all about give and take, honesty, communication, and love. She also taught me that being in a relationship mirrored my inner self, that what was happening inside of me was showing on the outside—and everyone around me saw it but me.

She also taught me, when I never listened to anyone else, that disagreements are okay—that we learn from them, the importance of a conflict, and how it helps you see their perspective about what they disagree with you on and how you need to work together to fix said issues.

I was a dick, and Sloane helped me see that I was. Something my friends and family were unable to do. Or it was because I didn't want to listen to what they had to say. But she was the one who got me to see it.

Now's my time to show I'm no longer that dick—the asshole I learned how to be. And I owe Callum and Eloise everything for helping me bring this little vaycay together—including Callum's good friend, Ian, and his wife, Tawny. They helped, too.

Now, lives are about to change. After months of planning, with the help of my friends and family, I'm about to surprise my best friend—my girl and the woman of my dreams. The only woman I've ever wanted and the one I pretended to hate. And I'm nervous as fuck about what I'll do later in the evening.

"How are you doing?" Callum asked as he sat beside me while I eyed the most exquisite, influential, and meaningful thing I'd ever bought anyone in my life.

I dragged my fingers through my hair. "I'm fucking nervous, man. Fuck. Am I ever nervous," I answered, my armpits building with sweat. "I'm about to do something I told myself and everyone I'd never do."

"Are you having second thoughts?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Because if you're not ready to do this. I suggest you wait until you are."

"Fuck no," I hissed. "I'm not having second thoughts. And I'm not waiting. I'm just nervous about how Sloane will react, knowing all eyes will be on her. She hates being the center of attention—she always has. Plus, I feel this is kind of tacky to do on Tawny and her daughter's special night."

"It didn't seem to bother her when you two fucked in front of an entire audience," he countered. "Just saying," he added when my head snapped his way. "And, it's not tacky. Tawny's the one who suggested you do this tonight. She and Ian helped plan this for Christ's sake."

He's right. Sloane had no problem the night we fucked in front of everyone, and the one person who did everything she could to destroy her—destroy us. And it was Tawny who put me up to proposing to Sloane in front of everyone in hers and Ian's art gallery.

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