Epilogue *

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A few months ago, I did something I never thought in a million years I'd ever do. I asked Sloane to be my wife. After years of no care-in-the-world attitude—enjoying threesomes, one-night stands, and more, I finally grew up. Between my grandmother's wishes, pushing and pushing for me to settle down, and begging my sisters to talk some sense into me, and my friends and their wives doing the same. I realized that wasn't the life I wanted to live.

It also helped my best friend, whom I tried to hate, whom I told myself I never wanted to see or hear from again, after twenty years of not talking, return to my life. Seeing and hanging out with her changed everything I told myself I never wanted: a girlfriend or a wife. My thoughts also changed after witnessing my friend's wife deliver a child about wanting a family.

As much as I'd love to start a family with Sloane, it'll be something I'd never push on her after she'd already given birth to two children and how broken she was after losing them both. Starting a family with the love of my life will be something I'll let her bring up. And if Sloane ever were to, I wouldn't turn her down—I'd lift her over my shoulder and tell her, let's get busy.

Honestly, if we ever had children, I know they'd be the most beautiful kids ever, and I'd be proud to call them mine. But for now, I'll continue doing what I promised her: make her the happiest and proudest woman ever to walk the Earth. And the best husband she's ever had—of course, when we marry finally.

Until then, now is one of those times to ensure my girl is satisfied and happy. And I'm proud to say I'm about to surprise my girl in less than twenty-four hours with a new look she hadn't seen in nearly three years. And I cannot wait to see her reaction—her award-winning smile when I'm finished minimizing the look of her facial scars. Sloane's smile, I know, will be the most enormous smile her lips have ever had and one that'll never want to fade.

"Why are you making me close my eyes?"


"Why?" she asked, a smile in her voice, most likely assuming I was about to do naughty, unholy things to her.

I lifted the blindfold and brought it around her face, saying, "Because I don't want you seeing what I'm about to do. That's why. Now be a good girl for me and keep your eyes closed."

"Will this involve sex?"

I knew that's what she was thinking, and I should tease her by making her believe that it's what we're about to do, but I won't. I want her to keep guessing, to see how upset I can get her before removing the blindfold and surprising her on the operating table.

With a smile, I answered, "Nope."

"Then, why the blindfold?" she asked as I secured it tightly. "And why the nightgown?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," I quipped. "Keep guessing."

She sighed, and I grinned even wider.

"Blindfold. Nightgown," she muttered as she thought. "Are you taking me to the club?"

I chuckled.

"Come on, Aaron," she frustratedly whined. "Can't you give me any clue at all?"

Taking her hand and guiding her out of the bedroom, I told her, "Nope. What fun would that be if I gave you any more clues? You've already been given one clue, and that's all I'll give," I teased, carefully helping her walk down the stairway.

"So. No sex. No club. Yet I'm blindfolded and wearing a nightgown. Now you're putting my winter coat on me, which means you're bringing me somewhere out in the damn blistery weather... in a fricken nightgown, no less!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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