Twenty: Lami's Theorem (Part 3)

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"Not today, please not today!"

Krithika shuffled through her files, "Please...", she was on the verge of breaking down.

She had been late to work that day. Now, that was very unusual of her.

But that morning, her body had required more than a normal bath. While she had been bathing under the shower, she had touched herself in a very uncommon way. The images of that one night had disturbed her for so long, wicked thoughts engulfing her every dream.

It was surprising how a pair of soft lips had enticed overwhelming desire within her. She hadn't ever masturbated and that one kiss happened to be her undoing. Lost in her imagination and pleasure, she had forgotten about time. By the time she had been able to take any action, it had already been too late.


"I shouldn't have...", she mumbled, fumbling furiously through the papers.

After she had hurried to the office, she realized it had been her doomsday. She had a freaking early morning appointment with the devil-Lucifer himself.

It was an annual thing. Satya fixed one-on-ones of her team members with Xavier, probably she thought it was a way for them to develop a good relationship with the other CEO. It surely helped executives to grow, to meet him and discuss business. Despite his infamous attitude, his team loved him as he was a knowledgeable man who worked hard and researched harder.

Regardless of how her experience had taught her otherwise, she believed some good would come out of this meeting. He wasn't entirely like what people had gossiped in her college but he surely was hard to work with. And she dreaded to be on the receiving end, that too alone.

"Finally!", she felt relieved holding a bunch of paper that she had worked on for days. Hurriedly gathering them inside a file, she left her office. Everyone wished her luck on her way out as if she had an exam. Perhaps it was an exam, her first one-on-one with Mr. Xavier. L. Joseph was a test of her patience to bear his arrogance.

Walking down the stairs, she noticed Xavier's large cabin had its visibility down. The blurred glass wall comforted her as she wasn't ready to face Xavier's glare all the way while she walked to his cabin. Her steps faltered but she gathered herself and reached near his office. She tried to fix her kurta straight and took a long breath.

It's five minutes, he would surely scold if nothing.

She knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in.", his cold deep voice always startled her a bit.

That's the sound of a pissed devil boss.

Calming herself, she opened the door and entered his kingdom. Yes, it was his kingdom, as every part of that room was his blood and sweat, almost five years of the Xhasis.

She noticed that he was busy reading through a file. If she hadn't been a nervous bubble herself, her subconscious would have surely made a few sensual remarks at the sight presented in front of her. He wore a crisp light grey shirt paired with a black waistcoat, typically fitting him like a perfect hug. His usual tailored coat was disposed of somewhere. Her eyes traveled over his sleeves. They were rolled up and with every movement, they strained against his arms.

Suddenly her lips felt parched and she gave a quick lick to them. As her eyes traveled to his face, she couldn't help but notice how raw and masculine his features were.

Focus, you fool!

Clearing her throat, she wished him, "Good morning, sir."

"You are late.", his eyes were skimming through the pages in his file. He didn't look at her but his voice made her anxiety shoot through the roof.

"Sir, I... I am sorry.", she replied, her hands clutching herself along with the file she had carried, "I don't want to give any excuse but... But I will make sure this never happens again."

She started to walk towards him when he flashed his left palm to pause her midway and she froze in her tracks.

"Sir.", it was almost an inaudible plea.

"Get out."

Her eyes burnt, "Please, sir..."

Yes, it was her mistake but it wasn't abominable. She was late by just fucking five minutes and all she had feared was his usual temper, to scold or to spew insults. This was completely unexpected.

What did I do?

"Sir?", her lips trembled.

Even though it hadn't interested her initially, she had realized that Xavier could help her with his knowledge. She had worked every day and even night when she had studied in her room, only for this one meeting, every page inside her file was her work, her ideas. She had prepared everything to perfection, exactly the way he expected his employees to work.

And yet, he wanted to throw her out, without giving a single chance.

"You heard me the first time.", he turned a page in that damned file in his hand completely disregarding her plea for forgiveness.

Her whole body felt hot with his slandering remark, her eyes started to blur slightly as anger consumed her.

Don't cry!

Blinking rapidly, she tried to dissipate the moisture in her eyes, "May I know why?"

His cold gaze met her fiery ones.

Don't fucking cry in front of him!



Fight! Fight! Fight!

Yes, never bow down! Krithika's attitude reminds me of myself when I argue with my seniors and most of the time win XD

Don't ask me why I have attached "Konjum Nilavu" here. It was something I had in my mind while writing this particular chapter.

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