Chapter 22

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Qingyan walked for a while, took a car for a while, and arrived at the place not too tired.

The original owner's home is in the town, but this is Qingyan's first time here. This place is not as good as he imagined. After all, the war only ended a few years ago, and the various places in the north near the border have basically just recovered. But the Chinese New Year is approaching, and the market is still very lively.

Qingyan felt fresh everywhere he looked, and he couldn't even look past it.

Moreover, people on the street had words floating next to their heads, and they were jostling each other. He was used to it and found it quite enjoyable.

When Qiu Henian saw that he was so happy that he was no longer afraid of life, he ignored him and let him look back and forth on the street.

The two of them went to a butcher shop first. Most stalls only sold pork, but also mutton and donkey meat. Beef was almost invisible. In order to protect farm cattle, the government had a clear ban.

In this store, you can buy almost all kinds of edible meat, as well as all kinds of smoked sauces, jerky, and sausages. It is the largest and most abundant butcher shop in the neighborhood.

Qiu Henian parked the cart at the door of the store. Qingyan looked at the contents of the cart and waited outside the door. He went to the store to find the waiter.

It was the warmest time of the day, and it was quite comfortable to bask in the sun outside. He squinted his eyes and watched Qiu Henian talk to the guy for a while, and then the guy called over a fat middle-aged man who looked like a boss. The three of them chatted for a while, and then the fat man came out and ran here behind Qiu Henian.

Qingyan jumped out of the car and opened the tarpaulin in time to let the boss and the waiter see the deer.

The boss looked through the pages and said, "Tsk, tsk" twice: "It's not small!" He turned around and asked the boy to bring the scale beam. Qiu Henian lifted the deer and hung it on the big iron hook under the scale beam. Although the boss He was fat and quite strong. He blushed and tried hard to lift a deer weighing more than 100 kilograms off the carriage.

"One hundred and forty-eight pounds, that's all. How about one hundred and forty-five pounds?" The boss looked at Qiu Henian and asked.

Qiu Henian shook his head, "It's as much as it should be, just one hundred and forty-eight pounds."

The boss was not angry and said with a smile: "Okay, just one hundred and forty-eight pounds, one pound is a lot."

At this moment, his little eyes saw the colorful pheasant covered with a tarpaulin. The chicken, probably feeling bored, was stretching its head out from under the tarpaulin to take a look. The boss's eyes lit up and he said, "It's actually alive. Good guy, this one is strong enough, with bright fur and a strong body. If so, I will give you twenty more copper coins and sell me the pheasant together."

Qiu Henian looked at Qingyan. Qingyan had not planned to sell the pheasant. He wanted to keep it for a while, but he had chicks at home. He was afraid that the pheasant would be too fierce and hurt the chicks. It would not look good and would fly away easily. This I had no choice but to sell it.

Qiu Henian said: "Twenty cents won't do. This is what my wife managed to catch. Even in a big store like yours, you probably won't see such a living creature."

The fat boss then looked at Qing Yan carefully. After seeing his appearance, he was slightly startled, and then quickly looked at Qiu Henian, who had scars on half of his face. When he looked back at Qing Yan, there was a clear look of pity on his face.

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